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Schengen celebrates 25th anniversary

11 June 2010

On 14 June 1985, five EU countries decided to remove their internal borders. That marked the beginning of a cooperation that today includes 25 countries and 400 million people.

Schengen celebrates its first quarter of a century and Europe's citizens celebrate 25 years without stamps in their passports.

"Schengen is one of the EU's biggest achievements", says EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström.

"In 1985, Europe was still made up of borders. Our continent was divided in East and West and free movement - that we today practically take for granted - was something only to dream about. Today, we can study, work, travel and move hassle-free from one European country to another. The possibilities for citizens to meet have had tremendous meaning for European integration, but above all it has facilitated the everyday lives for us Europeans", says Cecilia Malmström.

Read more in Cecilia Malmström's statement and in the Memo on Schengen's history.