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Malmström impressed by integration in Lund

8 June 2010

Migration, integration and the EU's fight against trafficking and organised crime were the topics for the day, when EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström visited southern Sweden yesterday.

In the city of Lund, Malmström met with Tamam – a partly EU funded organisation that arranges activities for newly arrived young immigrants. The aim is to integrate the kids in Swedish society through homework assistance, sports, and other activities.

"I am impressed by their work. It is fantastic that so much can be achieved with so small resources. Those who work with this are really committed, and that commitment shows in the result", said Cecilia Malmström.

Cecilia Malmström also visited the Malmö Border Police as well as the Swedish Migration Board. Moreover, she participated in a lunch seminar on the EU's work against organised crime.

Read more about Tamam.