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"I hope the Parliament votes before the summer"

4 June 2010

The Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting in Brussels is almost over. As EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström just returned from Washington, one of the agenda points was the ongoing negotiations between the EU and the US on the TFTP agreement.

"During lunch, I had the possibility to report on the negotiations, which are now almost completed. There were some questions, but overall I got great support for the new agreement", said Cecilia Malmström. "I hope that the European Parliament will be able to vote before the summer."

During the meeting, discussions were also held on terrorism and security, on better tools for combating smuggling of drugs, as well as on the suggestions that Cecilia Malmström recently put forward on unaccompanied minors.
"The action plan on unaccompanied minors received great support. The ministers also endorsed the Commission's ambitions to move forward with the ambitions to grant visa liberalisation to Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina this fall, provided that the two countries fulfil the last criteria", said Cecilia Malmström.

Read more about TFTP, unaccompanied minors and the Council meeting.