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Stricter rules against illicit trafficking of firearms

31 May 2010

"Combating illicit trafficking of firearms is crucial in our fight against organised crime. That is why the Commission proposed today to give EU law enforcement authorities better tools to track movement of firearms coming to and leaving the EU,'' EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström said today.

The content of the proposal is legislation to combat illicit arms trafficking through improved tracing and control of imports and exports of civilian firearms from and to the EU. The adoption of the proposal would bring the EU legislation in line with Article 10 of the UN Firearms Protocol.

The proposal is based on the principle that firearms and related items should not be transferred between States without the knowledge and consent of all States involved. The proposed regulation applies only to firearms, their parts and essential components and ammunition for civilian use: firearms intended for military purposes are not concerned. Moreover it only addresses trade and transfers with countries outside the EU; transfers of firearms within the Union are regulated by other EU law.

For more information, read the press release and the memo.