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Resettlement and Schengen discussions in European Parliament

19 May 2010

Discussions are still ongoing in Strasbourg, where the European Parliament this week is holding a plenary session. EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström was present when discussions were held on the Schengen Information system and the establishment of a joint EU resettlement programme.

"The Parliament is in full support of the proposal for the resettlement proposal. Now we are discussing some procedural issues that must be solved before it can enter into force", said Cecilia Malmström.

The Schengen Information System, or SIS II as it is often called, is a data registration system for visa applications within the Schengen area. Read more about SIS II.

"The establishment of a joint EU resettlement programme has been proposed by the European Commission as a way for Member States to pool resources and quota programmes so that we can become more efficient in making lives easier for the most vulnerable and exposed refugees living in camps in different parts of the world", explained Cecilia Malmström.

The resettlement programme is voluntary, but most Member States have said that they will participate. The Commission will provide financial support.

Read more on the results from the plenary session of the European Parliament.