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Police exchange programme on the agenda

23 April 2010

The most recent tool in the EU's fight against cross-border crime is an exchange programme quite similar to that used at universities across Europe. But in this version, it is police officers that will move abroad and study in another EU country. That was concluded by the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Brussels today.

Justice and Home Affairs ministers from all EU's Member States agreed today to set up an exchange programme for police officers for studies, mutual learning, and pooling of knowledge and best practices. Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström said she welcomed the adoption of the Council conclusions, and underlined the importance of this exchange programme as a tool in strengthening the EU as an area of freedom, security and justice.

"This is an excellent way of developing cooperation between police forces all across Europe in real practical terms, out on the field. By exchanging ideas and working methods, we also promote mobility and mutual trust within the European Union. This will be key in our further development of EU measures to fight organised cross-border crime. I am very much looking forward to see the results from this project", said Cecilia Malmström.

The project will be implemented by the European Police College, CEPOL. It is planned to run from 2011-2014.