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Justice and Home Affairs Council

24 February 2010

On 25-26 February, the Justice and Home Affairs Council will take place in Brussels. Commissioner Cecilia Malmströ m represents the European Commission in the area of Home Affairs.

Watch press conference on 25/2/2010 at 13.00.

Main agenda items in the Home Affairs area:

EU Strategy in the field of internal security

The adoption of an Internal Security Strategy for the EU is a priority for the Union. The strategy deals with cross border crime threats in the EU, from terrorism and organised crime to trafficking in human beings and child pornography.

Following the adoption of the Internal Security Strategy, the Commission will adopt a Communication which will include action-oriented proposals.

European Pact against Drug Trafficking

In 2008, the total number of people in the EU who use drugs - or have at some time taken them - was estimated at 70 million for cannabis, at least 12 million for cocaine, 9.5 million for ecstasy and 11 million for amphetamines, while at least half a million people are known to be receiving substitution treatment for heroin. There were up to 2 million problem drug users in the EU in 2008.

The European Pact against Drug Trafficking to be discussed during the Council would build a common EU approach with a more targeted response to the threat of drug trafficking, focusing on specific illegal drugs and routes and dealing with cocaine and heroin (but also synthetic drugs and cannabis). EU Member States will be able to reinforce coordination and cooperation according to their own specific problems and capacity.

Commission proposal to strengthen Frontex's operational capabilities

The proper management of the EU's external borders is a key part of maintaining a single area of free movement within them. The Commission adopted today a draft regulation amending the current Frontex regulation as foreseen in the Stockholm Programme. It aims to strengthen cooperation and coordination between EU countries and provide for a stronger and better-equipped Frontex.