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Welcome to my website!

10 February 2010

Welcome to my new website as Commissioner! I am very happy that the European Parliament decided yesterday, 9 February, to approve the new Commission, thus enabling us to start our work. Last night the European Council, that is the governments of all Member States, also appointed the new Commission.

In the years to come, Europe will have to tackle a large number of tough challenges. My colleagues and I will, however, do our utmost to live up to the show of confidence we have received.

Within my own area of competence - EU internal affairs - there are a number of difficult, but very interesting issues that should be dealt with urgently. I intend to further develop a common immigration and asylum policy, while simultaneously creating a legal system for immigration to Europe. An internal security strategy, based on respect of fundamental rights and solidarity between Member States, is another important priority.

The five years to come will be a big challenge. I am very much looking forward to start working for a secure and safe Europe, where freedom and personal integrity of each individual will be guaranteed at all times. You are invited to follow my work on this website and in case you have any questions, or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact me or my team.

Cecilia Malmström