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German road charging (maut)


PKW maut

Statement from Vice President Kallas in reponse to media inquiries on study with compatibility with EU law

Let me say first of all that we strongly support the principle that road users should pay for the roads they drive on. I also strongly believe that infrastructure financing is a long term task that needs stable financial flows. Germany needs nearly €5 billion a year just to stabilise the condition of its road infrastructure.  Many of our Member States face similar problems of chronic underinvestment.

Secondly, we strongly believe that all European drivers should be treated equally. That's in the Treaty; it's not negotiable. Whether you are German, Italian, Austrian or Dutch you should pay the same charge as any other user on the same German, French or Greek motorway.

Thirdly, this is an issue in full responsibility of Germany to get it right, full subsidiarity. It is for Member States to decide whether and how they charge the drivers of passenger cars - in their towns and cities and on the open highway. It's not for the European Commission to micromanage German transport policy or German tax policy. The Commission's role is to ensure such an important Member State initiative is in line with EU law and policy.

Commission experts and I have met several times over the last months with minister Dobrindt and his team. I appreciate the open dialogue between Germany and the Commission and I am very pleased to see the German side is serious about developing a concept that meets our concerns, in particular as regards non-discrimination. The ideas presented go in the right direction.

We have received the study of the university of Bonn [on compatibility with EU law]. Of course this is not a legal guarantee but it looks encouraging. Assessing the final Maut laws will be the task of my successor as transport commissioner as the term of the current Commission ends this week. I am sure the new Commission will accompany the process constructively, as did the current one.

This bold and innovative initiative, by a country where the car plays such an important part in the economy, sends an important signal to the rest of Europe. I am very pleased to see that Germany will ensure sustainable infrastructure financing by reserving Maut income for transport use.

Last update: 26/11/2014 |  Top