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GoingAbroad app
Road safety: New smartphone app provides information on EU road traffic rules


What is the speed limit on Spanish motorways? Do I need to wear a helmet when I cycle in Sweden? What safety equipment must I always have in the car when driving in Slovakia? From now on, holiday makers do not need to spend a lot of time searching for this information. They can have it at hand wherever they are with the European Commission's new smartphone app "Going Abroad".


Railways: paving the way for more growth, more efficiency and service quality in Europe


The European Commission's bi-annual report on the European Rail Market, published today, shows while it is undeniable that rail is growing, more can still be done in terms of efficiency and service quality in several Member States. The Report also highlights that open competition and increased public tendering deliver better services for passengers and better value for taxpayers. Europe’s railways absorb €36 billion of public subsidies a year (almost as much as they earn from fares).


Do The Right Mix logo
Urban transport: Commission awards funding to 19 European actions to get people to "do the right mix"


The European Commission has announced today 19 actions which will receive funding under the Sustainable Urban Mobility campaign "Do the Right Mix". The selected actions will each receive up to € 7000 to support activities promoting greener and more sustainable ways of getting around town, such as design competitions and educational activities.


ITS apps
Transport: EU push for better travel planning solutions


The European Commission is renewing efforts to develop Europe-wide all-in-one journey planners, making it easier to plan and book journeys that involve several means of transport with a single online tool, even across borders. Coinciding with the 10th European ITS Congress in Helsinki — one of Europe's largest events in Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (or "ITS") — the Commission has published its analysis pdf - 247 KB [247 KB] of the current situation of multimodal travel planners and its plans for the way forward. In particular, the Commission is tackling issues such as restricted access to the necessary data and insufficient cooperation between everyone involved.


public transport
More than two thirds of EU citizens are satisfied with urban public transport – but too few use it on a regular basis


The European Commission has published today the results of a Eurobarometer survey on urban public transport. According to the survey 69% of EU citizens are satisfied with public transportation, although the numbers vary widely across the EU, ranging from 88% at the highest to 31% at the lowest. Furthermore, only 32% of Europeans make use of public transportation at least once a week and nearly one fourth never do.


Road transport: Council backs safer and greener lorries


Transport ministers, meeting today in Luxembourg today, backed proposals for new EU rules to allow manufacturers to develop more aerodynamic lorries which will reduce fuel consumption by 7-10%, cut greenhouse gas emissions and enhance the safety of vulnerable road users such as cyclists The Commission welcomes the decision by Transport Ministers to back the proposals but regrets that Ministers are proposing to apply an 8 year delay before the new rules come into force.


Last update: 27/11/2014 |  Top