This site has been archived on (19/11/2014)


Railroad tracks
Major industry commitment to EU rail research initiative


Global leaders in railway technology have confirmed their commitment to the European Commission's recently announced Shift2Rail initiative. On 19 February 2014, major European companies attended a conference in Athens to discuss how they can contribute to the ambitious objectives of Shift2Rail. This €920 million public-private partnership aims to accelerate the market take up of innovative solutions in the rail sector, making passenger and freight rail transport more attractive to users and slashing costs to the benefit of public purses.


eu-asean aviation summit logo
Aviation: EU-ASEAN Aviation Summit proposes "open skies" agreement


In a Joint Declaration adopted today in Singapore at the end of a successful two-day EU-ASEAN Aviation Summit, the European Commission and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) proposed to take aviation cooperation to a new level by negotiating a comprehensive air transport agreement between the EU and ASEAN.


eu-asean aviation summit logo
Aviation: a new era for EU-ASEAN relations


The EU-ASEAN Aviation Summit, jointly organised by the European Commission and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), will take place in Singapore on 11-12 February 2014. The Summit's objective is to enhance political, technical and industrial co-operation between ASEAN and the EU in the aviation sector.


Air passengers
European Parliament votes on air passenger rights


The European Parliament has voted on 5 February 2014 on proposals from the European Commission to strengthen passenger rights including: measures to ensure that air passengers have new and better rights to information, care and re-routing when they are stranded at the airport. At the same time there will be better complaint procedures and enforcement measures so passengers can actually obtain the rights to which they are entitled.


Last update: 27/11/2014 |  Top