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TEN-t core network corridors map
New EU infrastructure policy


In the most radical overhaul of EU infrastructure policy since its inception in the 1980s, the Commission has today published new maps showing the nine major corridors which will act as a backbone for transportation in Europe's single market and revolutionise East–West connections. To match this level of ambition, EU financing for transport infrastructure will triple for the period 2014–2020 to €26 billion.


infrastructure works (road tunnel)
EU grants of almost €1.6 billion to support key TEN-T infrastructure projects


The European Commission has selected a total of 172 projects that will benefit from almost €1.6 billion in EU co-financing from the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) Programme for improving transport infrastructure across Europe. 89 projects selected from the 2012 Multi-Annual Call and 83 from the 2012 Annual Call will use this financial support to help realise TEN-T network development – ranging from preliminary studies for new projects to top-up grants aimed to help assist on-going construction initiatives, in all transport modes.


railway tracks
Rail safety: Commission welcomes significant progress achieved at Transport Council


The European Commission welcomes the "general approach" agreement reached at today's Transport Council on a recast of the rail safety directive. This recast is the second part of the so-called Fourth Railway Package – proposed in January 2013 – with the aim of eliminating existing administrative and technical barriers by developing further the Single European Rail Area, thereby contributing to the competitiveness of the rail sector versus other means of transport.


Airplane pilots in the cockpit
The Commission welcomes the European Parliament's support for new stricter rules on aircrew fatigue


Following the European Parliament's vote in plenary today, Vice-President Kallas said: "I am pleased with this vote which opens the way for new stricter EU-wide rules on pilot fatigue. It will bring better protection of passengers and safer working conditions for crew. This is a victory for common sense."


Last update: 27/11/2014 |  Top