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Kallas opens crucial aviation talks in Montreal


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EU transport commissioner Siim Kallas addressed today the opening session of the Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), ahead of crucial negotiations. The ICAO Assembly must address challenges that should not be underestimated — in aviation safety, security, air navigation, fair competition and market access, and of course the environment (aviation emissions).

Speaking before the start of the negotiations, Vice-President Kallas said: "This ICAO Assembly faces a huge responsibility to guarantee an ambitious and sustainable environment where growth can take place and where aviation can continue to benefit and connect citizens and businesses worldwide. This is a pivotal moment which will set the stage for world aviation for years ahead".

On aviation emissions, the Vice-President said: "We want our aviation industry to grow and prosper in the decades ahead so it must deal properly with its environmental footprint at the same time. Society needs to see the aviation industry as a responsible global citizen."

The ICAO Assembly, made up of 192 Member States, meets every three years to set the aviation priorities and policies and work programme for the following years.

For more information:

Opening remarks to the 38th ICAO Assembly [SPEECH/13/730]

The EU at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Assembly — Frequently asked questions [MEMO/13/814]

Last update: 26/11/2014 |  Top