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Parliament asks to push ahead with Single European Sky


flying plane

The European Parliament adopted today a resolution to push forward implementation of the Single European Sky (SES), very much in line with the European Commission priorities.

The Commission welcomes the support of the EP, especially at the time of key implementing deadlines and shares the views of rapporteur Jacqueline Foster that Member States should now prioritise the implementation of SES in accordance with the agreed deadlines and objectives.

The EP reiterates the key role of SES in delivering considerable economic, safety and environmental savings to the aviation sector's benefit. It calls for a proactive political support on the part of the Member State applying the performance scheme, delivering real benefits from FABs and deploying SESAR technologies. The SES legislation, which aims at reducing the fragmentation of the European airspace and increasing its capacity, entered into force in April 2004 (SES I); it was amended by a second package of legislation adopted in November 2009 (SES II).

A report issued by the Commission in November 2011 makes clear that the basic SES II architecture has been established according to the initial time schedule but that the objectives have not yet been fully reached. Failure to implement the SES costs € 5 billion annually in inefficiencies for air navigation services.

For further details: Single European Sky, 10 years on and still not delivering and Frequently asked questions.

Last update: 26/11/2014 |  Top