This site has been archived on (19/11/2014)


Brains wanted for innovative transport solutions


Speaking today at the International Transport Forum meeting in Leipzig, Vice-President Siim Kallas urged leaders in the transport and ICT industries to push ahead with innovative research into solutions to get people, and goods, moving more easily. He concluded by issuing a creative challenge to transport stakeholders: come up with an integrated, multimodal European travel planner. It would smooth the journeys made every day by millions of people and tonnes of cargo.


European measures to minimise disruption caused by volcanic ash


Guidelines issued today will help to minimise airspace closures in the event of volcanic ash reaching Europe without compromising safety standards.


Transport Ministers meet to agree response to volcanic ash cloud crisis


European Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for transport, will present on Tuesday 4 May, to an extraordinary transport ministers meeting in Brussels, a range of possible short-term actions and structural measures to respond to the repercussions of the volcanic ash crisis.


Last update: 27/11/2014 |  Top