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Actualités / Evénements

Remembrance - 3rd Networking meeting in Erfurt


3rd networking meeting of organisations active in the field of remembrance supported by Remembrance action of the Europe for Citizens programme will take place from 7th to 9th April in Erfurt, Germany.

It will be organised in the partnership with EUROCLIO, European association of history educators. Both the choice of location and of the partnership offers stimulating opportunities for discussion and interaction among the participants. The place of the meeting – Erfurt contains several layers of Europe's past beginning with what is thought to be the oldest synagogue of Europe, nearby Weimar where the post-1918 German constitution was written and approved. There are also many symbolical references linked to more recent European history including former concentration camp of Buchenwald, former Topf&Söhne factory which produced ovens for crematoria in Auschwitz and other places of mass extermination and finally the cold war symbol of former cross border crossing checkpoint Alpha. The partnership with EUROCLIO will allow bringing together a broad array of participants, speakers and expertise. As always there will be a report published on this website following the event in Erfurt.

The full report from the networking meeting in Erfurt will be available in the coming weeks. As the first glimpse at the conference proceedings we already publish key note speech of Keith Lowe, author of Savage Continent, Europe in the Aftermath of World War Two on the challenges of memory.

Draft Programmepdf(333 kB) Choisir les traductions du lien précédent