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Europe for citizens Programme

Dialogue with civil society

The Citizens' Policy Unit at the European Commission’s Communication DG is responsible for the Europe for Citizens programme.

Organisations interested in active European citizenship meet regularly with the European Commission to discuss issues linked with the implementation of the Europe for Citizens programme or other topical issues. This is referred to as ‘structured dialogue’.

A core element of the discussions focuses on methodological issues regarding citizens' participation. The dialogue also addresses major transversal and political issues of relevance to active European citizenship.

This dialogue involves regular meetings between the Commission and approximately 50 key European organisations actively involved in the Europe for Citizens programme, which feed into a broader, annual event, the Europe for Citizens Forum.

This regular process creates synergies to bolster the efficiency of the Europe for Citizens programme activities. It also helps the Commission to better tailor the programme to the needs of its civil society partners.

In addition, specific meetings with stakeholders interested in specific actions or themes may take place as needed.

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