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MLEKOVITA strengthens market position with cutting edge laboratory

  • 24 November 2015

As a result of EU-funded investment, MLEKOVITA – a leading dairy producer in Poland – was able to equip their Research and Development Centre with the latest technological solutions.

A company with such a strong trademark as MLEKOVITA needs continuous development to maintain its position on the market.

Dariusz Sapiński, CEO of MLEKOVITA

The activities of MLEKOVITA’s Research and Development Centre aim at finding better ways to use valuable milk components through specialised research into nutritional value, microorganisms, and the chemical composition of milk and dairy products. 

The EU-funded investment contributed to maintaining MLEKOVITA’s position in the domestic market and to boosting its presence in international markets. Based on research outcomes, MLEKOVITA launched a new product: lactose-free milk - the first such milk in the Polish market.

Innovation in the dairy industry

The EU investment consisted of the purchase of specialised equipment including; an apparatus for testing physicochemical parameters in milk and dairy products, a texture analyser, a liquid chromatograph HPLC, a spectrometer, a spectrophotometer, and equipment for bacteriological analysis. The centre’s activities have since contributed to innovation, new product development and the introduction of new recipes. 

MLEKOVITA is now the only Polish producer of clarified butter and anhydrous milk fat, and has been the first producer in Poland to launch soft brined cheese. In 2013 ,the company was awarded the title of ‘Ambassador of Polish Economy’ in the category ‘Wizard Solutions XXI century’. Polish Business Centre Club named it an innovative leader in the dairy industry while the Warsaw University of Life Sciences awarded it the Food Quality Leader emblem.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Purchase of infrastructure and laboratory equipment for the MLEKOVITA Research and Development Center” is EUR 1 347 741, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 243 941 from the Operational Programme “Podlaskie” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.