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A ‘Second Chance’ for disused industrial sites

  • 10 December 2014

y transforming derelict brownfield sites in Nuremberg, Venice, Krakow, Ljubljana and Leipzig into spaces for cultural and creative activities, the Second Chance project has made a considerable contribution to urban development. Along with its cultural element, the project developed a sound economic plan, which has allowed it to generate both revenue and jobs.

The European impulse gained through the Second Chance project has contributed considerably to the development of the AEG site in Nuremberg. The exchange of experience with the international project partners has become a key element for the sustainability of the area

Ulrich Maly, Mayor of Nuremberg

econd Chance realised that, due to factors such as building size and distance from city centres, brownfield sites are often not adaptable to new activities. However, from extensive analysis of good practices and studies, the project discovered that the five chosen locations in the participating cities had potential for artistic and cultural uses, and drew up development plans and utilisation concepts with local stakeholders.

A long-term financial plan was then elaborated based on public-private partnership (PPP) models, so as to secure the requisite combination of funding and professional know-how, and to ensure that the sites were both innovative and sustainable. The project partners also developed common marketing strategies, and looked to identify the right cultural activities for each centre.

From concepts to long-term plans

When the plans were finalised, the partners tested their effectiveness for each location through pilot actions. The results were transformed into long-term management plans, to guarantee the sustainability of the new cultural centres.

This process has resulted in the production of documentation that summarises results and lessons learned, and includes a PPP concept for the regeneration of post-industrial sites. It can serve as a guide for other European cities considering revitalising brownfield sites, thereby ensuring the project's transferability.

econd Chance has created about 20 jobs during its implementation and 40 more after completion. Moreover, the five sites have become an important part of the cultural life of their respective cities, and their use for cultural activities has encouraged businesses in other sectors to move into the areas, thus improving competitiveness, quality of life and the job situation.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Second Chance – From Industrial Use to Creative Impulse” is EUR 2 892 336.32, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 2 275 611.86, from the Operational Programme “Central Europe” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.