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New Knowledge: Enhancing regional growth and competitiveness through innovative research findings

  • 22 May 2015

The “New Knowledge” scheme aims at strengthening regional competitiveness and economic development through technological innovation research in areas of particular interest for the region.

The project “New Knowledge” with its many well targeted smaller research projects shows the added value that research interventions supported by the European Union can produce for the development and the cohesion of our region. It also provides better opportunities for employment to young scientists from the region and in the long term it might attract investments from companies looking for cooperation with our research entities.

Dr. Theodore Fotsis, Group Leader and Director of the Biomedical Research Institute

The initiative promotes research and development produced by regional research entities, and aims to provide the production sector and local public administration with concrete solutions, drawing from the research findings it produces.

To do so, particular attention is being paid to (1) cooperation and networking between the research entities and production sector; and (2) developing the readiness of researchers in order for them to focus their research activities on the needs of local enterprises and the region more widely.

The scheme was launched in December 2010. So far, a total of 37 projects have benefited from it, and are still in progress. The first of these reached completion at the end of 2014.

Innovation in the centre of rural development

The thematic areas for the research are information and communications technology, agriculture, fisheries, livestock, food biotechnology, environment, energy, water resources, transport, health, and cultural heritage.

One of the key projects is “Epirus on Androids”, which ensures the efficient dissemination of information about the region across social networks, in order to help local enterprises benefit from the new technologies.

“New Knowledge” also funded the project “Treatment of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Rupture", which develops innovative approaches to address the ACL rupture, through regenerative medicine, based on stem cells and tissue engineering.

Total investment

Total investment for the project “New Knowledge” amounted to EUR 5 276 267, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributed EUR 4 748 640 from the Operational Programme “Thessalia – Sterea Ellada – Ipiros”, for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.