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Food industry 4.0: sustainable and safe solutions for a sustainable and safe food chain

  • 26 February 2018
Food industry 4.0: sustainable and safe solutions for a sustainable and safe food chain

How to jointly address the societal and economic challenges in the food sector thanks to innovation. This ambitious yet practical objective is the starting point for the networking workshop on "Application of ICT and Advanced Manufacturing Solutions in the Food Supply Chain" which will take place in Budapest (Hungary) on 4-5 April 2018. The event will bring together all relevant regional actors from Central Europe and stimulate them to identify common ICT and advanced manufacturing solutions in

How to jointly address the societal and economic challenges in the food sector thanks to innovation. This ambitious yet practical objective is the starting point for the networking workshop on "Application of ICT and Advanced Manufacturing Solutions in the Food Supply Chain" which will take place in Budapest (Hungary) on 4-5 April 2018. The event will bring together all relevant regional actors from Central Europe and stimulate them to identify common ICT and advanced manufacturing solutions in driving the change in the food processing and supply chain. Enterprises, intermediaries including food industry federations, chambers of industry and agriculture, research centres, higher education, research and innovation agencies, funding agencies and clusters will thus foster regional cooperation based on the shared goals and synergies of the respective smart specialisation strategies.

The workshop is organised by the Campden BRI Magyarország Nonprofit Kft. and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia - Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises, with the support of the European Commission Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and in cooperation with the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (Hungary). It is part of the Commission's Central European Cooperation in Smart Specialisation Initiative. Launched at the end of 2016 by DG REGIO, this Initiative helps stakeholders of the macro region and their local industries cooperate and pool their resources in order to develop innovative products and expand beyond local markets. The initiative aims at fostering tight partnership among innovation actors and researchers, matching smart specialisation priorities and exploiting identified synergies, complementary resources and strengths. 

Registrations are now open. Please visit the event page on the S3 Platform!

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