en English

Interreg V-A - Romania-Hungary

Programme description

Main objectives

The cooperation programme aims at increasing employment, enabling joint economic growth through better and more coordinated use of the labour force in the area based on the potentials of the eligible area. It will also enhance disaster resilience; facilitate rapid and coordinated response to emergency situations based on the harmonized development and coordinated use of existing capacities. Furthermore, the programme will contribute to the protection of joint values and resources, using them as attractions and developing mutually beneficial common tourism. Finally, the programme will be addressing jointly the challenges of deprived areas – rural and urban - and health care challenges to provide better services across the entire area, using the existing resources more efficiently and eliminating major inequalities in service provision.

Funding priorities

The programme will focus on the following six priorities:

  • Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources (Cooperating on common values and resources)
  • Improve sustainable cross-border mobility and remove bottlenecks (Cooperating on accessibility)
  • Improve employment and promote cross-border labour mobility (Cooperating on employment)
  • Improving health-care services (Cooperating on health-care and prevention)
  • Improve risk-prevention and disaster management (Cooperating on risk prevention and disaster management)
  • Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens (Cooperation of institutions and communities)
  • Expected impacts:

    • improvement in the quality of cross-border rivers and streams (surface waters) and ground water bodies, more sustainable use and management of existing water resources, improved prevention - protection against pollutions, especially flood-related pollutions, efficient communication and joint actions to reduce the negative effects of pollutions.
    • Sustainable use of natural, historic, and cultural heritage within the eligible area.
    • Improved cross-border accessibility through connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure
    • Increased role of cross-border public transport and extension and improvement of bicycle routes.
    • Increased employment in the border area.
    • Better healthcare across the border.
    • Improved cross-border disasters and risk management.
    • Better cross-border cooperation of institutions and communities


    Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 189.138.672,00 €

    Thematic priorities

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    Financial information

    Total OP budget: 231.861.764,00 €

    Total EU contribution: 189.138.672,00 €

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