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Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) implements EU Health Programme, Consumer Programme and Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
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PHEA becomes Executive Agency for Health and Consumers

8 July 2008

Luxembourg (EAHC) - The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) is the new name of what has been until now Public Health Executive Agency (PHEA). On 20 June 2008, the European Commission took a decision to prolong the mandate of the Agency until 2015, entrust it with implementation of new EU Health Programme, and give it responsibilities in the field of consumer protection and food safety.

The EAHC, in addition to managing new Health programme and remaining projects of the old Public health programme, will be in charge of implementation of the programme of Community action in the field of consumer policy (2007-2013) – the EU Consumer Programme - with its annual call for proposals. The Programme constitutes the financial framework of Consumer policy with a total of 156.8 million euro in funding for its duration.

The goal of the Consumer programme is to ensure a high level of consumer protection, through improved information on consumer-related data, better consultation and better representation of consumers’ interests. With this programme the Commission also tries to enhance effective application of consumer protection rules through cooperation between authorities and key consumer organisations, disseminating information, education and dispute resolution.

The EAHC will also manage Commission's initiative "Better Training for Safer Food", which sets a Community training strategy in the areas of food law, feed law, animal health and animal welfare rules, as well as plant health rules.

Commission decision

New Health Programme attracts significant interest from applicants

8 July 2008

Luxembourg (EAHC) - More than 220 applications for funding have been submitted to Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) as a result of the first call for proposals in the framework of the new EU Health Programme.

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Call for Proposals 2008 closed on 23 May 2008
The calls for proposals for projects, operating grants and conferences in the field of public health closed on 23 May 2008. You can still consult information about different financial instruments, but note that the deadline for submission of applications was 23 May 2008.

Recruitment of public health experts
The call for expressions of interest was launched on 9 February 2008 to establish a list of experts for support activities in connection with the second programme of Community action in the field of health (2008-2013). These activities consist in reviewing project proposals submitted under annual calls for proposals, monitoring or evaluating funded projects, and other tasks related to the implementation of the Programme.
More about the recruitment of experts

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