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Mission Implementation Platform for Climate Adaptation - MIP4Adapt

August 2023 Newsletter

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Welcome to the August MIP4Adapt Newsletter
This month at a glance:
  • Sign up to the online Community of Practice
  • Climate risk management training course
  • New guidelines for Member States’ adaptation strategies
  • Top tips for submitting a Mission Story
  • News from the Mission Projects
  • Upcoming events

Enjoy the read, share it with your network and subscribe. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @MIP4Adapt and LinkedIn @Mission Implementation Platform for Adaptation to Climate Change (MIP4Adapt). 

Latest news from the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change
Sign up for the Online Community of Practice

Are you a Charter Signatory? Sign up to the online Community of Practice by 20th September 2023!

Demonstrate your leadership role, inspire other members of the Community, influence future policy and demonstrate best practice approaches in climate adaptation. You will also access technical assistance with developing and implementing your climate resilience and adaptation plans, among other benefits.

Make sure you are part of the adaptation conversation.

Learn more and sign up

Autumn Training Course: Climate Risk Management - Strategies and Tools for Regional and Local Challenges

Identifying and managing climate-related risks, especially at the regional and local scale, is a key enabler of sustainable development.

Regional and local climate change practitioners interested in exploring new tools, frameworks and ways of dealing with climate risk can now register to attend Climate Risk Management training on the 11-17 October.

Learn why managing climate change risk is important to your work, and how to implement it in the upcoming training course.

Learn more

Guidelines on Member States’ Adaptation Strategies and Plans

The European Commission adopted a new set of guidelines to assist Member States in updating and implementing comprehensive national adaptation strategies, plans and policies in line with the European Climate Law and the EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change.

The guidelines represent a powerful tool for national administrations to make climate adaptation a top political priority.

Learn more and download the full guideline document

Top Tips for Submitting a Mission Story

Mission Stories are real-life examples of regional or local actions regarding the planning, funding, implementation and monitoring of climate adaptation solutions.

Top tips for a good Mission Story

  • Put people at the heart of your story
  • Avoid technical jargon
  • Share the results and the impacts on your local community
  • Include testimonials from the people directed impacted by your adaptation solution
  • Include visuals or pictures of people

Check out a recent example in an Austrian valley region where new guidelines are playing a vital role in transforming construction methods to create climate-resilient buildings and submit your own Mission Story.

Mission Project Updates
Apply Now for Pathways2Resilience Support

Are you a European region or community working on enhancing your climate adaptation efforts?

Don't miss out! You still have time to show your interest in becoming one of the selected regions/communities that benefit from funding and tailormade support via Pathways2Resilience to fast-track your climate resilience journey.

Learn more and apply before 15th September

Funding opportunities
Innovation Fund: Third Small-Scale Call for Projects

The deadline is fast approaching to apply for the European Commission’s Innovation Fund for small-scale projects.

The call will make EUR 100 million in grant funding available to small-scale projects in the areas of renewable energy, decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries, energy storage, and carbon capture, use and storage.

Apply before 19th September 2023

Horizon Europe: Research and Innovation Call

Don't miss out! EUR 83 million is available for projects under the Adaption to Climate Change Mission.

The call covers three topics:

  • Building resilience towards health risks caused by the effects of climate change
  • Increasing climate resilience of the agriculture and/or forestry sector
  • Protecting critical infrastructure from climate change and mainstreaming nature-based solutions

Apply before 20 September 2023

Upcoming events
Fostering Synergies Through the EU Missions for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change

Creating synergies between these two EU Missions is vital for holistically addressing climate change in urban settings.

This event will provide the space for cities participating in both Missions to facilitate the exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices among participating cities, experts, and stakeholders. The workshop will focus on: Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE), Flooding, and Leveraging Smart Synergies to foster Urban Planning.

If you are a Charter Signatory in both Missions, you can register now.

date 06 September
Register Today for the Climateurope2 Webstival

The second Climateurope2 virtual festival will focus on the transformation of Europe's businesses and communities through climate services and dedicated solutions.

The two-day webstival will include high-level panels, thematic dialogues, as well as other innovative and engaging sessions to raise awareness, foster dialogue, and promote wider adoption of climate services.

Learn more and register today

date 19 September - 20 September
Take part in the European Week of Regions and Cities

The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.

The event brings together European regions to discuss common challenges, examine possible solutions and facilitate networking and cooperation between the regions and cities.

Learn more about how you can get involved

date 09 October - 12 October

MIP4Adapt is the Mission Implementation Platform for the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change.  We are focused on supporting European regions and local authorities in their efforts to build resilience against the impacts of climate change.

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ISSN: 2811-7530 | Catalogue Number: ML-AB-23-008-EN-Q