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Mission Implementation Platform for Climate Adaptation - MIP4Adapt

July 2023 Newsletter

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Welcome to the July MIP4Adapt Newsletter
Don’t forget that MIP4Adapt is now on social media! Be sure to follow us on Twitter @MIP4Adapt and LinkedIn @Mission Implementation Platform for Adaptation to Climate Change (MIP4Adapt) to hear the latest news and insights from the programme as they happen.

In this month's issue:
  • Submit your Mission Stories today
  • Download the Citizen Engagement Manual
  • How MIP4Adapt can support your community engagement events
  • Join the Community of Practice online forums
  • Update on Technical Assistance Applications
  • Mission project updates
  • Funding Opportunities
  • Upcoming events

Enjoy the read, share it with your network and subscribe.

Latest news from the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change
Mission Stories: We want to hear from you!

Mission Stories are real-life examples of regional or local actions and good practices regarding the planning, funding, implementation and monitoring of climate adaptation solutions.

Why submit a Mission Story?

  • To inspire one another and stimulate the exchange of knowledge and best practice
  • To share your successful examples and lessons learnt
  • To raise the profile of your region or local authority
  • To help accelerate adaptation efforts across Europe

Learn more and submit your Mission Story >

Download the Citizen Engagement Manual today

Adapting to the impacts of climate change is a complex challenge. Engaging stakeholders and citizens and building a common understanding and ownership of climate adaptation actions is key.

The Citizen Engagement Manual will guide you on how to engage stakeholders and citizens throughout the six main steps of the climate change adaptation planning process described in the Regional Adaptation Support Tool (RAST).

Download the manual here >

How MIP4Adapt can support your community engagement events

MIP4Adapt is supporting Charter Signatories in organising community-level events to engage directly with citizens and stakeholders as part of their climate adaptation efforts.

We can offer specific support in the concept, design, and analysis of these events, as well as facilitate the exchange of experiences and best practices gained by the regions in these engagement activities.

For further information, please contact us through our Helpdesk.

Continue the discussion: Adaptation Planning Cycle

Charter Signatories and Friends of the Mission are invited to continue the discussions from the Adaptation Planning Cycle event on the Community of Practice forums.

We have opened six new forum discussions, one for each step of the Adaptation Planning Cycle. The aim of the forums is to continue engaging on each of the steps, sharing knowledge and best practice within the community.

We kindly advise you to register to the online Community of Practice by 20th September 2023. 

You can access and contribute to these forums by using this link

If you are a Charter Signatory or Friend of the Mission and do not have access to the online EU Mission Adaptation Community site, you can register by completing this form

Update on call for Technical Assistance

Our team is currently reviewing the 46 Technical Assistance applications that were received by the 30th June cut off and contacting applicants when clarifications are needed.

The Technical Assistance beneficiaries will be allocated specific timeframes: assistance to a first set of 20-25 beneficiaries is expected to start in Autumn 2023, followed by a second set in January 2024 and a third set in spring 2024. Applicants will be notified about their individual timeframe, along with the next steps, in September.

The call for applications remains open. The review of new applications will start after the 30th November for implementation in 2024.

Highlights from the Second Forum of the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change

Last month, The EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change successfully hosted its Second Forum in Blekinge, Sweden.

Check out the highlights video to hear from a variety of speakers and attendees from the Forum. Elina Bardram, Mission Manager for DG Climate Action at European Commission, says the Forum was “an opportunity to share, support and find ways of more powerful collaboration” to deliver climate adaption.

Watch the highlight video here and see the full recording of the event on the Forum webpage page.

EU Missions on track to meet their 2030 ambitions for a greener and healthier continent

The EU Commission has announced the Missions are on track to achieve their ambitious goals by 2030 in critical areas including adaptation to climate change.

During the first two years, the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change success includes:

  • 308 regional and local authorities signed the Mission Charter
  • A dedicated Mission Implementation Platform created to provide technical assistance
  • 50 regions developing a common methodology for carrying out detailed risk and vulnerability assessments

Read the full announcment >

Mission Project Updates
The 6th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference

Representatives from several Mission Adaptation projects including TransformAr, Pathways2Resilience, IMPETUS, ARSINOE, and REGILIENCE delivered a fascinating session at the conference on Extreme Events – Tools for Resilience.

In this session, the projects collaborated to discuss existing tools and approaches for climate resilience, focusing on climate risk assessment, vulnerability analysis, and adaptation pathways. The session fostered valuable discussions on overcoming barriers and embracing enablers to effectively utilize these tools.

Catch up on the recording here >

IMPETUS - The human factor: The vital key to climate change adaptation

The IMPETUS project is supporting Europe’s ambition to become a climate-change resilient society by 2050. Its stakeholder engagement approach is a significant part of the work and is already proving useful in the project’s seven regional demonstration sites.

Lisa Andrews, a scientific researcher with Netherlands-based water research institute KWR, which is leading the project’s stakeholder engagement activities, discusses how the IMPETUS approach could be adopted by other initiatives in the opinion article.

Read the full article here >

Funding opportunities
Apply today for City-to-City Exchanges

The call for applications for City-to-City exchanges is now open, providing support to urban authorities in addressing implementation challenges related to sustainable urban development.

If selected, applicants will receive practical knowledge and know-how tailored to their identified challenge through in-person visits with a peer city. The peer cities share new working methods and innovative approaches on specific implementation challenges.

Support is available for those applying in the form of application packs, information webinars, bilateral consultations, email support and peer introduction requests. Further information on the support available can be found here.

Upcoming events
Join the ENCORE conference!

Celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, the ENCORE network of European Regions tackles climate action, biodiversity, and circular economy challenges. The ENCORE Conference has an exciting programme with notable speakers from governments, businesses, the European Commission, and the President of the European Innovation Council.

Connect with attendees from all over Europe and gain fresh insights into topics such as the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, Circular Textile, EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, Energy transition and the challenges of Green vs. Green.

Register today >

date 18 September - 19 September
venue Arnhem, the Netherlands
Climateurope2 Webstival Adaptation Mission Session: Shaping Climate Services for Effective Adaptation to Climate Change

The second Climateurope2 virtual festival will revolve around the themes of business and communities, with a primary focus on discussing the transformation of Europe through climate services and dedicated solutions.

The Webstival will have a session idedicated to the Adaptation Mission, which will be an opportunity for regions and local authorities to learn more about climate services and provide feedback to help shape the ongoing standardization of climate services.

To join the Webstival please register at the following link.

date 19 September
venue Online
Join the Mission Projects at the 10th anniversary of the European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO)

The Mission projects REGILIENCE, Regions4Climate and Pathways2Resilience are among the co-organisers of this year’s special 10th anniversary of the European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO).

This highly anticipated event will bring together city representatives, experts, and stakeholders to shape a climate-resilient future for our urban environments. EURESFO serves as a dynamic exchange platform, facilitating discussions on strategies, initiatives, and actions for adapting to climate change, managing disasters, and building urban resilience.

Learn more and register

date 18 October - 20 October
venue Cascais, Portugal

MIP4Adapt is the Mission Implementation Platform for the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change.  We are focused on supporting European regions and local authorities in their efforts to build resilience against the impacts of climate change.

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ISSN: 2811-7530 | Catalogue Number: ML-AB-23-007-EN-Q