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Issue 183, 10 November 2016


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Organ donation and transplant in the EU – progress but much more to do

by Hilde Vautmans, Member of European Parliament – Belgium and Ivan Jakovčić, Member of European Parliament – Croatia

by Hilde Vautmans, Member of European Parliament – Belgium and Ivan Jakovčić, Member of European Parliament – Croatia

On the occasion of European Organ Donor Day in October, we recently hosted a session of the European Parliament in Brussels, organised in cooperation with the Pulmonary Hypertension Association Europe (PHA Europe). Together with our colleagues Romana Tomc and Alojz Peterle, we saw this event as an opportunity to underline our concern for the thousands of patients across the EU on transplant waiting lists who will never have the procedures that would save their lives. Research shows that 16 patients die every day waiting for the organs they need. That's why increasing organ donation must remain a high priority fo [...]

In this edition

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EU Health Policy Platform » 
EU Press Releases » 
Reporting from across Europe » 
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Read the full focus of this edition  »

Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

ACCORD - Achieving Comprehensive Coordination in Organ Donation throughout the EU

ODEQUS - Organ Donation European Quality System

FOEDUS - Facilitating exchange of organs donated in EU member states

ELIPSY – European Living Donor Psychosocial Follow-up

MODE - Mutual Organ Donation and transplantation Exchanges

ETPOD - European Training Program on Organ Donation

COORENOR - Coordinating a European initiative among national organizations for organ transplantation


News from the EU 

Commissioner Andriukaitis advocates Health Technology Assessment to make EU healthcare ‘sustainable’  »

National healthcare systems should embrace the digital era and use Health Technology Assessment to become truly sustainable and cost-effective, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis told in a recent interview.

Crossing a border for a medical treatment: Commission publishes data from 23 Member States  »

The data was published at the 24 October conference, "Towards amplified awareness of EU rights to cross-border care" and concerns EU countries' use of the Cross-border Healthcare Directive in 2015. The data in full, and more info on cross-border healthcare, is available online.

The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety adopts three new Opinions on cosmetic ingredients  »

Read the SCCS Opinion on the safety of Vitamin A, Phenoxyetanol and preservatives EcoG+

Five calls for proposals launched for EU-funded pilot projects  »

The projects are in the fields of rare diseases, mental health, chronic and rheumatic diseases and breast cancer prevention.

New publications 

The Activity Report of the non-food Scientific Committees over the last term (March 2013-April 2016) has now been published  »

The Committees are the Scientific Committees on Consumer Safety (SCCS), Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) and Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR), who provided advice to Commission services in relation to specific risk assessments. Read their key achievements.

Forthcoming events 

World Diabetes Day, 14 November  »

7th European Alcohol Policy conference (7EAPC) (Llubjlana, Slovenia, 22-23 Nov. 2016)  »

EU Press Releases 

European Week for Safety and Health at Work held 24 to 28 October  »

Through the hundreds of events taking place across Europe this week, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) and its network of partners stressed the importance of ensuring safe and healthy conditions throughout working life.

Reporting from across Europe 

As flu season gets underway, so does the 2016-2017 vaccination campaign  [Spain]  »

The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality recommends that people 65 and older, risk groups and health personnel be vaccinated against influenza. Vaccination is one of the most effective measures for public health to prevent the onset of illness and even death in some cases.

Critical shortage of donor organs prompts public campaign  [Luxembourg]  »

Donor cards, or the 'Passeport de Vie', were sent out in a public mailing with an informative brochure, making it easy for people to sign the card and state their willingness to donate organs. Only three organs from donors in Luxembourg were used for transplantation in 2015.

In the next issue

Antimicrobial Resistance

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