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  • Agriculture and Rural Development

    Telefónne číslo +32 2 299 11 11 (Commission switchboard) Poštová adresa European Commission, Rue de la Loi 130/Wetstraat 130, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgium Kontakty pre tlač Send a message to this department Súvisiace odkazy Generálne riaditeľstvo pre poľnohospodárstvo a rozvoj vidieka Potraviny, poľnohospodárstvo, rybárstvo Generálne riaditeľstvo

  • Management plans

    plan of the Internal Audit Service, describing the department's actions and priorities. Management plan 26. mája 2023 Eurostat Management plan 2023 – Eurostat Management plan of Eurostat, describing the department's actions and priorities. Management plan 26. mája 2023 Generálne riaditeľstvo pre poľnohospodárstvo a rozvoj vidieka Management plan 2023

  • Annual activity reports

    . Annual activity report 19. mája 2016 Generálne riaditeľstvo pre poľnohospodárstvo a rozvoj vidieka Annual activity report 2015 - Agriculture and Rural Development Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Agriculture for 2014, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department. Annual activity report 13. mája 2016

  • Management plans

    and priorities. Management plan 15. júla 2016 Generálne riaditeľstvo pre poľnohospodárstvo a rozvoj vidieka Management Plan 2016 Agriculture and Rural Development Management plan of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development for 2016, describing the departments actions and priorities. Management plan 26. mája 2016 Management plans 2016

  • All Environment News

    Prispôsobovanie sa zmene klímy toxická látka trvalo udržateľný rozvoj voľná príroda znečistenie mora batérie chránená oblasť dopravná infraštruktúra ekologické monitorovanie ekologický dosah ekosystém elektronický odpad energia vetra environmentálne právo globálne otepľovanie hospodárstvo inovácia les lesnícky výskum mestská infraštruktúra morská

  • Sanctions (restrictive measures)

    International Humanitarian Law. The Commission adopted guidance and a number of tools to assist humanitarian operators in delivering assistance in compliance with EU sanctions. Sanctions adopted following Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine Guidance documents Frequently asked questions EU Finance Podcast - The future of finance Don't miss episode 1 - The one about sanctions Listen to episode 1

  • EU sanctions against Russia following the invasion of Ukraine

    . Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission A comprehensive approach to sanctions Sanctions on individuals, companies and organisations Visa measures Import and export bans Financial and business service measures Sanctions on energy Sanctions on transport Sanctions on dual-use goods Asset recovery and confiscation Making sanctions

  • Funding

    Funding by management mode Financial instruments: equity, guarantees, and loans Prizes Seal of Excellence How to apply Before you apply: EU funding for beginners Eligibility: who can get funding? The application process Award procedure and contract signature Managing your project What to expect once you are awarded a contract: reporting, deliverables

  • Udržateľný kolobeh uhlíka

    activities and fight greenwashing by empowering businesses to show their action in this field. Expert group on carbon removals The expert group on carbon removals assists the Commission’s work on the voluntary certification of carbon removals. Uhlíkové poľnohospodárstvo Odvetvie pôdy má pre dosiahnutie klimaticky neutrálneho hospodárstva zásadný význam, pretože je schopné zachytávať CO2 z atmosféry.

  • Slovakia

    by a Network Support Unit (NSU) tasked with coordinating thematic and analytic work, facilitating networking and exchange, and communicating the work and voices of the network. Contact the Slovak NSU Agentúra pre rozvoja vidieka - ARVI (Agency for Rural Development) Akademická 4 949 01 Nitra Slovakia Telephone: +421 37 733 6402 Email: Contact