Publication Details

Back European exports 2000-2007: direct and indirect effects on employment and labour income in the EU 27 and euro area - Issue number 36/2012

Between 2000 and 2007 more than two thirds of the embodied employment in European exports was due to manufactured products, while financial and real estate services showed the largest embodied labour income per person employed in exports activities, both in the European Union (EU-27) and in the euro area. At the end of the period (2007), the embodied labour income per person directly or indirectly employed in exports activities was 12 % higher in EA than in EU-27. During 2000-2007, the labour intensity of exports has dropped in both, EU-27 and EA, however to lesser extend in the EA.

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Release date: 5 September 2012

Additional information

Product code: KS-SF-12-036
Theme: Economy and finance
Collection: Statistics in Focus