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Back Slow recovery in road freight transport in 2010 - Issue number 15/2012

Analysis of trends in EU road freight transport over recent years

A slow recovery in road freight transport continued in 2010 but activity remained below the peak level recorded in 2007. Cross trade and cabotage transport continued to grow more rapidly than international transport. Poland confirmed its emergence as a key-player in road freight, particularly for all forms of international transport. Belgium, France and Denmark have the highest cabotage penetration rates. The top 4 countries, Germany, Spain, Italy and the UK, accounted for more than half of dangerous goods transport. The combined pressures of the recession and no tightening of vehicle regulations led to an ageing of the vehicle fleet.

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Release date: 12 March 2012

Additional information

Product code: KS-SF-12-015
Theme: Transport
Collection: Statistics in Focus