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Back European business – Facts and figures – Data 1998-2002 – with CD-ROM

"European business – Facts and figures" provides a standard set of information for industrial and service activities within the European Union (25 Member States). The 2004 edition includes data for the 10 new Member States, which (subject to data availability) have been fully integrated into the publication, with the inclusion of EU-25 totals wherever these were possible. The data provided in European Business traces the major developments of output, employment and external trade. The commentaries concentrate largely on the 3-digit level of the NACE Rev. 1 classification of economic activities. The chapters in European Business are structured largely on the basis of their NACE code, starting with energy and the extractive industries and finishing with business services, the information society and media. The accompanying CD-ROM contains the commentaries, tables and figures of the paper publication, as well as a database which contains many additional series (for example, longer time-series or breakdowns by Member State). Within the database component the underlying statistics can be easily accessed using Eurostat's dedicated database browser, EVA (Eurostat Visual Application). Data can be extracted and exported for manipulation in database or spreadsheet applications. The CD-ROM also provides a large amount of background information on the underlying legislation, sources and classifications that have been used, as well as a glossary of terms.

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Release date: 13 December 2004

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