Back Decrease in EU cigarette production

31 May 2018

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In the European Union, over 527 billion cigarettes were produced in 2016. This was 36 billion items fewer than in 2015 and about a third less (almost 300 billion fewer cigarettes) compared with the production recorded ten years ago.

In 2016, the EU’s production was equivalent to more than 1000 cigarettes, or roughly 50 packets of 20 cigarettes, per inhabitant. The production value was around €6.2 billion.


Germany, Poland and Romania lead the production market

With almost 168 billion cigarettes produced, Germany was the top producer in 2016. Its cigarette production accounted for 32% of the EU total. In other words, one in every three cigarettes produced in the EU originated in Germany.

Poland ranked second (99 billion cigarettes produced in 2016, or 19% of the EU total) and Romania third (77 billion, 15%). Greece (31 billion), Portugal (27 billion) and Bulgaria (21 billion) each had a share of around 5% of the EU’s total production.


Cigarette production in the EU

The source dataset can be found here.


This information is published by Eurostat on the occasion of the World No Tobacco Day (31 May).

See also our news item on deaths from lung cancer.


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