Back One third of employed take job-related training

5 March 2018

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In 2016, almost one third of employed persons in the European Union participated in training courses related to their professional activity. The training includes non-formal vocational education, as well as formal courses and seminars, which improve knowledge, skill, competences and qualifications for professional reasons.

The Netherlands (61%), Sweden (59%) and Finland (58%) had the highest participation rates in job-related training. The lowest rates were in Greece and Romania (8% each) as well as Italy (11%). 





Graph: participation in job-related training

                         The source dataset is available here.

Participation rates in job-related training tend to increase along with the educational attainment level of the participants. The share is higher for employed persons with a tertiary education level (46%) than for those with upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (28%). Those with an education level of lower secondary, primary or less (16%) participate least in job-related training.

From an age-group perspective, participation in job-related training is higher among employed people aged 25-34 (36%) than for the age groups 19-24 (32%) and 35-64 (31%).

In almost all Member States, the share of women in employment who attend job-related training is higher than the share of men, with the largest differences being recorded in Lithuania (44% women compared with 31% men), Estonia (51% women compared with 39% men) and Latvia (39% women compared with 29% men).

Infographics: non-participation in training

The most common reason for not participating in training is that of time. Seventeen Member States cite this as their main reason, the highest proportions being recorded in the United Kingdom (98%), Greece (79%), Poland and Slovenia (60% each).

Lack of interest  was the prevailing reason in Latvia (32%), Austria (28%) and Spain (27%), while  Estonia (49%), France (41%) and Germany (25%) mainly reported that no training was provided by the employer. ‘Other reasons’ for not participating in job-related training were most often cited by those employed in Croatia (38%), Finland (34%) and Lithuania (25%). Sweden (30%) mainly reported that lack of suitable programmes was a constraint and in Denmark financial constraints (27%) were the main reason that job-related training was not taken up.

For more information
Eurostat website section on income, social inclusion and living conditions
Eurostat database on income and living conditions
Eurostat news release on access to services

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