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Back New measures of labour market attachment - Issue number 57/2011

3 new Eurostat indicators to supplement the unemployment rate

Eurostat is releasing 3 new indicators to supplement the unemployment rate. The 2010 results for these are reported in the accompanying Statistics in Focus publication entitled ‘8.5 million underemployed part-time workers in the EU-27 in 2010'. This report examines these indicators in greater depth and from a methodological viewpoint, some results being of an experimental nature. In particular, it presents the new indicators as ‘halos' around unemployment and compares them to the ILO labour statuses in terms of their relative attachment to employment and the labour market.

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Release date: 10 November 2011

Additional information

Product code: KS-SF-11-057
  • General and regional statistics
  • Population and social conditions
Collection: Statistics in Focus