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Back EU-27 trade of goods with ACP countries: a slight trade surplus in 2009 - Issue number 52/2010

South Africa remains the main trading partner by a comfortable margin, but at a lower level in absolute terms

The overall trade in goods (sum of imports and exports) between the EU and the ACP countries (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific) was valued at EUR 111.0 billion in 2009. This represents a decrease of 23.0% compared to 2008. The persistent trade deficit the EU had for nearly a decade turned into a trade surplus (EUR 3.6 billion). South Africa remains the most important partner among the ACP group, in terms of EU-27 imports (27.8%) and exports (28.0%). Nigeria and Angola follow at a considerable distance.

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Release date: 15 November 2010

Additional information

Product code: KS-SF-10-052
  • General and regional statistics
  • International trade
Collection: Statistics in Focus