Publication Details

Back Economic downturn in the EU: the impact on employment in the business economy - Issue number 60/2009

A recession is often defined as two successive negative quarter on quarter changes in constant price GDP. Eurostat's Statistics in Focus on ‘Recession in the EU-27: output measures' (issue 17/2009) showed that there were successive declines in the EU-27's GDP in the third and fourth quarters of 2008, and since then a further and stronger rate of decline was recorded for the first quarter of 2009. Along with GDP and inflation, employment also provides a direct indication of the overall level of economic activity. This publication uses short-term indicators to look at the impact of this new recession on trends in EU-27 employment within economic activities.

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Release date: 7 August 2009

Additional information

Product code: KS-SF-09-060
Theme: Industry, trade and services
Collection: Statistics in Focus