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Back Sigma – The Bulletin of European Statistics – GDP & Beyond

SIGMA - The bulletin of European statistics – 'GDP & Beyond; Focus on measuring economic development and well-being'
The new issue of Sigma deals with the measurement of the quality of life of a nation, or its well-being, as recommended by the so-called Stiglitz Report and the European Commission's Communication 'GDP and Beyond: Measuring progress in a changing world', both published in 2009. The starting point of these initiatives was the view that gross domestic product alone was no longer the best way to measure a country's progress and needed to be complemented by environmental and social indicators. In an attempt to determine which indicators are needed, Sigma features experts from the European Commission and several national statistical institutes as well as reactions from independent researchers and journalists. The issue closes with a feature on the Statistics Directorate of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

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Release date: 10 November 2010

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Format: PAPER

Additional information

Product code: KS-BU-10-002
ISSN ISSN 1018-5739
Theme: General and regional statistics
Collection: Statistical books