Publication Details

Back SIGMA - The Bulletin of European Statistics: The economy by numbers - Focus on national accounts

This issue of Sigma deals with national accounts. It introduces the concepts used by specialists and explains the importance of national accounts for policy making on a European level. The reader will find out about the production of national accounts in Europe, meet their main users and learn about the implementation of the new System of National Accounts (SNA 2008). Challenges faced by the developing world working with national accounts are explained and use of satellite accounts, such as the environmental accounts at Eurostat, is presented. The reader will also learn about the ecological footprint – the World Wide Fund for Nature's alternative to Gross Domestic Product. The issue closes with a feature on the Bulgarian national statistical institute.

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Release date: 11 December 2008

Additional information

Product code: KS-BU-08-003
ISSN 1018-5739
Theme: General and regional statistics
Collection: Statistical books