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Natura 2000?: an opportunity for everyone

Reference: LIFE11 INF/ES/000683 | Acronym: INFONATUR 2000



The Natura 2000 network is still insufficiently known, and this lack of knowledge is one of the main negative factors affecting its maintenance. Neither the restrictions of the Natura 2000 network nor the opportunities and benefits for the rural population are well known by those directly affected i.e. those who live in and use these sites and who therefore have a role in their long-term conservation. In addition, many people are misinformed about Natura 2000. Most people in Spain know about national parks and nature reserves, yet few know the meaning of Natura 2000. Some important social sectors (e.g. farmers, hunters, businesses) remain concerned that the declaration of an area as part of the Natura 2000 network may hamper its social or economic development. However, the incorporation of an area into the Natura 2000 network can represent an excellent opportunity for development of large areas of Spain where well-preserved nature adds value to local products of high quality. The potential to attract eco-tourism also supports the case for sustainable development.


The INFONATUR 2000 project aimed to further the implementation of the Natura 2000 network in Spain. Specifically, it aimed to spread knowledge about the Natura 2000 network, its biodiversity and natural resources through a media campaign; to change attitudes among different groups to the Natura 2000 network by highlighting the benefits and opportunities it provides and by informing them about which activities are legally permitted and which ones must be carried out in a different way to protect biodiversity and preserve natural resources; and to create opportunities for the socio-economic development of Natura 2000 sites through sustainable tourism and outdoor activities. The project also aimed to encourage the development of regional products, promote the guidelines set by the Europarc European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, and help train a new generation of environmentally-aware citizens, through activities aimed at schoolchildren.


The INFONATUR 2000 project made valuable contributions towards increasing awareness of, and promoting knowledge about, the Natura 2000 network in Spain.

The project significantly contributed to putting the Natura 2000 network on the national agenda. Project beneficiaries developing studies that can be used as a reference for future projects involving publicity and/or governance of Natura 2000, and trained students and stakeholders inhabiting Natura 2000 sites in Extremadura. INFONATUR 2000 raised awareness among a significant number of journalists at national level; elaborated several educational and dissemination materials; and created social networks and a website with many followers. Furthermore, the project helped establish the foundations for an annual celebration of European Natura 2000 Day in Extremadura.

The project beneficiaries conducted over 1 000 interviews with people and stakeholders in Madrid, Extremadura and Catalonia to determine their knowledge and perceptions of the Natura 2000 network. The dissemination campaign included the production of targeted reports, 181 TV spots and 83 radio spots, and printed articles and workshops. The EFE TV channel was used to broadcast all the projects videos; this channel is broadcasted in shopping centres, train and bus stations, and airports. The coordinating beneficiary reinforced the projects activities that were identified as fundamental to promoting an adequate knowledge and a better governance of the Natura 2000 network. Among such activities was the creation of the "Rednatrate Club", which has proven to be a great success in actively involving local stakeholders in disseminating information, and engaging with conservation work in the Natura 2000 network.

Overall, the project increased the degree of knowledge, awareness and interest on Natura 2000 of the general public and some key stakeholders, such as journalists. Furthermore, the project contributed to improving local governance in Extremadura by creating communication channels between the regional administration and the targeted stakeholders to facilitate a more proactive and participated management of the network.

The work developed through preparatory actions enabled the gathering of valuable information regarding the motivations behind the reluctance of certain stakeholders towards engaging with Natura 2000. It also resulted in the elaboration of a comprehensive compilation of what Natura 2000 represents in terms of opportunities and restrictions.

It is expected that this increased level of interest in Natura 2000 will be reflected in a more careful, active and participatory management of the network. In this sense, the coordinating beneficiary, which is responsible for the management of a large number of Natura 2000 sites in Extremadura, acknowledges that the experience and knowledge gained in this project will greatly help them to improve their governance in the future.

The project has a high demonstrative value, particularly its methods that reveal the true information needs of stakeholders regarding the Natura 2000 network, both in terms of the type of information they expect to receive and the most appropriate channels of communication. From this, it seems clear that a successful Natura 2000 dissemination campaign must be accompanied by the establishment of long-term governance structures allowing more direct and fluid communication between stakeholders and the administration.

The project actively disseminated opportunities for the socio-economic development of Natura 2000 network sites, through the promotion of sustainable tourism and outdoor activities, along with details of appropriate funding opportunities. It is expected that thanks to this work, the opportunities linked to the Natura 2000 network will be better known by the main stakeholders. This should favour sustainable development that benefits the environment and local communities. It is also expected that the work developed in the framework of this project will contribute to improve the image of the network and to banish some myths and unfounded fears about it.

Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report (see "Read more" section).


Reference: LIFE11 INF/ES/000683
Acronym: INFONATUR 2000
Start Date: 01/01/2013
End Date: 31/12/2017
Total Eligible Budget: 1,822,606 €
EU Contribution: 907,305 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Direccin General de Medio Ambiente (DGMA). Junta de Extremadura
Legal Status: PAT

LIFE Project Map



  • Awareness raising - Information


  • protected area
  • public awareness campaign


  • Directive 92/43 - Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora- Habitats Directive (21.05.1992)


Name Type
Direccin General de Medio Ambiente (DGMA). Junta de Extremadura Coordinator
Agencia EFE S.A., Spain Participant
Patronat de Turisme de Girona-Costa Brava, Spain Participant
Área de Medi ambient de la Diputació de Lleida, Spain Participant


Type Resource
Project web site Project's website
Publication Project's Final technical report (Spanish version, with abstract in EN)
Publication "Rutes pels espais de la xarxa Natura 2000 a LLEIDA: Guia d'itineraris" (6.07 MB)
Publication After-LIFE Communication Plan (Spanish version)
Publication Layman report
Video link "Formentera: Naturaleza sin fisuras" (3.57')
Video link "Ganadería y red Natura 2000" (4.23)
Video link "Guardianes de la tradición: Custodios del entorno " (4.40)
Video link "La campiña toledana: Usos tradicionales y nuevas oportunidades" (5.11')
Video link "Las grullas: Atractivo natural del inverno" (2.09')
Video link "Naturaleza marca y bandera de una región: [Un discurso del presidente de la Junta de Extremadura, Guillermo Fernández Vara]" (2.39')
Video link "Participación social para una mejor red Natura 2000" (7.11')
Video link "Protagonistas de la red Natura 2000" (2.29')
Video link "Senderismo accesible: Naturaleza sin límites" (4.35')
Video link "Senderos submarinos: Paseos por la red Natura marina" (4.50')
Video link "Toledo: Puerta de entrada a la red Natura 2000" (4.47')
Video link "Tras las huella del oso para descubrir un paisaje único de la red Natura 2000" (4.45')
Video link "Viñedos más sostenibles" (4.06')
Video link "Yuste: Historia, cultura y epicentro de un filón de biodiversidad" (4.18')
Video link "Feria Internacional de Turismo Ornitológico: 10 años uniendo aves y turismo" (4.31')
Video link "El Gobierno supera una asignatura pendiente" (2.24)
Video link "Certificación forestal: El valor añadido del bosque" (6')
Video link "Bosques terapéuticos" (5.42')
Video link "[Parque de] Alcornocales: Tradiciones ancestrales y vanguardistas propuestas turísticas" (5')
Video link "Albufera de Adra: El oasis incrustado en un mar de plástico" (4.46')
Video link "Abadía: Un pueblo engalanado gracias a la red Natura 2000" (4.22')
Video link "[El bosque de] Hermo: Magia y misterio" (2.28')
Project web site - 2 Project's Twitter page