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Community Action Programme to Combat Social Exclusion 2002-2006

In the context of the open method of coordination, the programme is meant to support cooperation which enables the Community and the Member States to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of policies to combat social exclusion by:

  1. improving the understanding of social exclusion and poverty with the help in particular of comparable indicators;
  2. organising exchanges on policies which are implemented and promoting mutual learning in the context of national action plans
  3. developing the capacity of actors to address social exclusion and poverty effectively, and to promote innovative approaches

General information
programme decision, most frequently asked questions

Programme Committee
Information, documents, timetable 2003

Information, calendar of launching calls for tenders

Studies in Candidate Countries

Transnational Exchange Projects
Information, selected projets, calendar of launching transnational co-operation and exchange projects to combat social exclusion

Supported European Networks

Peer review programme
Definition, aim, launching of call for tenders

Calls for proposals and tenders  
texts, information, related documents

Preparatory measures 1998-2001
information on previous projects

Contact point:

"The Open Call for tender concerning Studies on the Roma population in enlarged EU - Implications on policies for fight against discrimination and promoting Social inclusion, published in the official Journal S96 of 20.05.2003, is supported jointly by the Programme for fight against Social exclusion and the Anti-discrimination Programme".
