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New option to browse practices mapped along the Recommendation for Investing in Children

EPIC platform

The European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) website is constantly evolving, most recently adding a section called About the Recommendation for Investing in Children. The European Commission adopted the Recommendation in February 2013. It proposes a long-term social strategy to help overcome the current economic crisis and to strengthen the capacity of individuals. It provides guidance for European Union Member States on how to tackle child poverty and social exclusion through measures such as family support and benefits, quality childcare and early-childhood education.

The Recommendation's policy areas addressing child poverty and social exclusion and promoting children's well-being are organised along three pillars: Access to adequate resources; Access to affordable quality services; Children's right to participate.

Visitors to the EPIC Practices that Work section can now view all practices included in the section assigned to these pillars and policy categories according to those which they align most soundly with. This provides website users with a new way to browse for practices.

Access to adequate resources Access to quality service Childrens right to participate

Practices that Work section – recent practice examples

Practices that Work section – recent practice examples

Below are two of the latest additions to the Practices that Work section. Two evidence-based practices were recently added:

North Karelia Youth Project (Finland)
The North Karelia Youth Project offered a community and school-based educational intervention for seventh graders (students aged 13) to decrease the social desirability of smoking and coach them to resist peer, adult, and media pressure to smoke. The goal of the program was to decrease the number of children who would start smoking for the first time and reduce all the lifetime exposure to tobacco for all children in the program area.

Parents' Briefcase (France)
La Mallette des parents' [the parents' briefcase] is an ongoing project that aims to involve parents more in their children's education in around 80 schools in France. It is run by the Academie de Creteil, which comes under the direct authority of the France's Ministry for Education. The programme was set up to improve relations between parents and teachers and to help parents understand more about how their child is taught so that they can contribute to their child's success at school.

Practices that Work section - new recognition logos for practice organisations

New logos are available which recognise that a practice has been listed on the EPIC website. If a practice has been listed in the User Registry the practice contact will be sent the following recognition logo so that they may use it on their websites or newsletters:

This practice is listed on EPIC

The following logo is sent to those contacts whose practices are listed in the Evidence Based practices section of the website. These practices have demonstrated their effectiveness through rigorous research, they have been reviewed by a team of experts and meet EPIC's evidence criteria.

This practice is shown to be effective by EPIC

Use our new feedback form to engage with EPIC

Engaging with EPIC

A new online feedback form allows partners and website users to engage with EPIC on all aspects of the website.

The EPIC team is looking forward to feedback users might have on topics such as the quality of the material on the website, usability, or the process for submitting a practice to EPIC.

Feedback, once submitted, will be considered for future improvements to the website and selected feedback will be posted in forum.


Stop child abuse
The Underwear Rule campaign
Statistics drawn from Unicef, International Labour Organisation and the World Health Organisation indicate that one in five children in Europe are victims of a form of sexual abuse. With its ONE in FIVE campaign the Council of Europe aims to stop sexual violence against children. One strand of the ONE in FIVE campaign is called The Underwear Rule.

European Commission releases progress report on the Barcelona Targets
On 3rd June 2013, the European Commission released a progress report on the Barcelona objectives, agreed in 2002, to improve the provision of childcare facilities. Key findings show that only eight Member States have met the targets, which state that childcare should be provided for 90% of children between three years old and the mandatory school age, and for 33% of children under three.

European Alliance for Families
The Unfolding Conference, 23-26 October 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Learning for Well-Being in partnership with the Alliance for Childhood are organising the pan-European Unfolding Conference which will bring together decision-makers and practitioners in order to discuss the question of 'how to create a culture that allows the unfolding each and every child's unique potential and their engagement in society'.

UNESCO Youth Forum, 29-31 October 2013, Paris, France
The UNESCO Youth Forum is an integral part of UNESCO's General Conference and brings together young delegates from around the globe to exchange views, experiences, and discuss common problems.

Caring for children with special educational needs
Ending the hidden exclusion: Learning and equity in education post-2015 (Save the Children report, 2013)

Caring for children and dependants: effect on careers of young workers (Eurofound, 2013)

Support for Children with Special Educational Needs (DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, European Alliance for Families, 2012)


Education at a Glance 2012: OECD Indicators
Since 1998, the OECD has been publishing 'Education at a Glance' indicators on a yearly basis. These indicators provide comprehensive information on various aspects of education systems across 34 OECD states and several G20 countries.

The EURO-PERISTAT project started in 1999 and aims to monitor and evaluate both maternal and child health in Europe during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum.

Children's Chances: An interactive website for comparative data on child rights-related laws and public policies
Children's Chances is a comprehensive online database, launched by the World Policy Analysis Centre. It provides unprecedented comparative data on laws and public policies affecting children's opportunities in 193 countries covering a diverse set of issues related to children's rights.


This is an occasional electronic newsletter intended for anyone with an interest in the situation of families across Europe and in policies intended to promote a better reconciliation of work and family life.

European Platform for Investing in Children
The European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) wants to provide information about all policies that can help children and their families face up to the unprecedented challenges that exist in the current economic climate in Europe.