Empowerment centre EVC ascii version


DP Managing organisation : Stoas Onderwijs B.V.
Other national partners : Citogroep
Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland
EQUAL theme :Adaptability - Life long learning 
Type of DP :Geographical - Other 
DP Legal status :Association without legal form 
DP identification :NL-2001/EQE/0033 
Application phase :Project ended 
Selection date :15-11-2001 
Last update :24-02-2006 
Monitoring: 2002  2003   


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Knowledge of the APL system will be a decisive factor for opportunities of returners on the labour market. For refugees, a traditional path to the labour market is obstructed by different qualification structures and language problems. The use of APL will improve the position of this group dramatically. The Knowledge centre APL is unable to provide the appropriate expertise. The mission of the Knowledge centre APL is to make APL accessible for professional groups on meso-level through trade organisations and social partners. The unemployed, returners, refugees and partially disabled are therefore unable to profit from the possibilities of APL. This partnership will develop methods and techniques of APL for the target groups and provide accessibility on a regional level.

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Co-operation with representatives of the target groups, those responsible for (re)integration and the Empowerment centre EVC with the goal to make APL available for the specific target groups by expanding the Knowledge centre EVC with a transnational Knowledge centre for non-traditional groups, the Empowerment centre EVC (EC-EVC). The EC-EVC will: - provide accessibility, tuning, validation and standardisation of the formal recognition of the informally learned knowledge; - develop expertise and knowledge; - realise the exchange of knowledge and expertise with regard to EVC for the target groups; - monitor the international compatibility; - promote the possibilities of APL.

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Guidance, counselling **
Training **
Integrated measures (pathway to integration) *
Training of teachers, trainers and staff ***
Improvement of employment services, Recruitment structures ****
Conception for training programs, certification ***
Work organisation, improvement of access to work places ***
Awareness raising, information, publicity ****
Studies and analysis of discrimination features ***

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ****
Goal-oriented **
Context oriented ****

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Budget Action 2

2 000 000 – 5 000 000 €

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Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Asylum ***
Gender discrimination *
Discrimination and inequality in employment ****
Disabilities ****
Other discriminations **
Low qualification ***
Racial discrimination **
Unemployment ***

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 With beneficiaries

Promoting individual empowerment
Developing collective responsibility and capacity for action
Changing attitudes and behavior of key actors

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Decisions regarding the realisation of the project will be taken twice per year during the "meeting of partners", or as often as one of the partners wishes. All participating parties will be represented in this meeting, a general board. The organisations that operate nationally and have missions applicable for all target groups form the steering group of the project, an executive board. The feedback group consists of all parties that operate on behalf of (one of the) target groups and provides asked and unasked -for advice to the steering group and the project manager, and has the right of approval in case of any changes. Realisation of activities takes place by and under the responsibility of working groups that consist of employees of the partner organisations and, if necessary, third parties.


 Between national partners

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No participants.

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 Linguistic skills

  • Nederlands
  • English
  • Deutsch
  • français

 Percentage of the budget for transnational activities

  • 4.0%

 Transnational Co-operation Partnerships

Transnational Co-operation Agreement DPs involved
529 Learning Network APL IT IT-G-EMI-031
PT 2001-105
UKgb 3
2652 ILEP FR NPC-2001-10888

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Two and more partners involved in A&E

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National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
Stoas Onderwijs B.V. Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland

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Agreement Summary

Text available in

no data

Last update: 24-02-2006 dot Top

Stoas Onderwijs B.V.

Postbus 78
6800 AB Wageningen

Tel:0317-472 711

Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:13-08-2001 /

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Sluijter D.M.J.M. 0317-472 711 Business Unit Manager

Last update: 24-02-2006 dot Top


Nieuwe Oeverstraat 50
6811 JB Arnhem

Tel:+31 26 3521111
Fax:+31 26 3521356

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:13-08-2001 /

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Spee Willem +31 26 3521111 All data of this partner is unknown

Last update: 24-02-2006 dot Top


Kortenaerkade 11
2518 AX 's-Gravenhage

Tel:+31 70 4260260
Fax:+31 70 4260399

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Semi-public organisation
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-07-2002 /

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Scholten Astrid 070 - 426 02 60 Head of Department valuation of international diploms

Last update: 24-02-2006 dot Top


Postbus 85932
2508 CP 's-Gravenhage

Tel:+31 70 3469300
Fax:+31 70 3617372

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:13-08-2001 /

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Vonk Wim +31 70 3469300 Consultant

Last update: 24-02-2006 dot Top

Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland

Postbus 2894
1000 CW Amsterdam


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Organisation providing support and guidance for disadvantaged groups
Legal status:Union, Confederation...
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:07-08-2001 /

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Nijhuis Henk 020-3467200 Policy Maker

Last update: 24-02-2006 dot Top



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Empowerment centre EVC


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Kennis over het systeem EVC zal van doorslaggevende betekenis zijn voor de mogelijkheden op de arbeidsmarkt van (her)intreders. Bij vluchtelingen belemmeren de afwijkende kwalificatiestructuren en de taal de traditionele toeleiding naar de arbeidsmarkt. De inzet van EVC zal de positie van deze groep drastisch verbeteren. Het Kenniscentrum EVC kan de benodigde expertise niet bieden. Het Kenniscentrum EVC richt zich op de ontsluiting van EVC voor beroepsgroepen op meso-niveau via de brancheorganisaties ende sociale partners. De werklozen, herintreders, vluchtelingen en gedeeltelijk arbeidsongeschikten kunnen hierdoor niet profiteren vande mogelijkheden die EVC hen biedt. Dit OP zal methoden en technieken van EVC voor de doelgroep (laten) ontwikkelen en zorgdragen voor ontsluiting op regionaal niveau.

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Samenwerking met vertegenwoordiging van de doelgroepen, toeleiders voor (re)integratie en het Empowerment centre EVC om het systeem van EVC breed beschikbaar te maken voor de betreffende doelgroepen. Doel is het uitbreiden van het Kenniscentrum EVC met een Transnationaal Kenniscentrum voor niet-traditionele wervingsgroepen, het Empowerment centre EVC (EC-EVC). Het EC-EVC moet: - zorgen voor toegang, afstemming, validatie en standaardisatie van de formele erkenning van het informeel geleerde; - expertise en kennis ontwikkelen; - uitwisseling van kennis en expertise m.b.t. EVC voor de doelgroepen realiseren; - de internationale compatibiliteit bewaken; - de mogelijkheden van EVC promoten.

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Agreement Summary

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geen gegevens

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 With beneficiaries

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Beslissingen over de uitvoering van het project worden tweejaarlijks of zo vaak een der partners wil genomen in de "vergadering van partners". Alle deelnemende partijen zijn in deze vergadering vertegenwoordigd, een algemeen bestuur. De landelijk opererende organisaties met een alle doelgroepen overstijgende doelstelling vormen de stuurgroep van het project, een dagelijks bestuur. De klankbordgroep omvat alle partijen die namens (een van de) doelgroep(en) opereren en geeft gevraagd of ongevraagd advies aan stuugroep en projectmanager en heeft instemmingsrecht bij wijzigingen. Uitvoering van activiteiten geschiedt door en onder verantwoordelijkheid van werkgroepen bestaande uit medewerkers van betrokken partners en eventuele externen.

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 Between national partners

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Geen deelnemers.

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