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The global financial crisis and its effects on the Netherlands

Author(s): Maarten Masselink and Paul van den Noord, European Commission

The global financial crisis and its effects on the Netherlands - Maarten Masselink and Paul van den Noord pdf (82 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 

Volume 6, Issue 10, 04.12.2009

With very low unemployment, a large and stable current account surplus, low government debt and a budget in surplus, the Dutch economy was assessed initially to be relatively well prepared to weather the financial and economic crisis. In 2008, however, the negative effects of the financial crisis became apparent and economic growth came to a grinding halt. Typical Dutch strengths, like its funded pension system and its strong position in world trade, now turned out to be vulnerabilities in the wake of the crisis and have negatively impacted consumption and investment. However, when looking beyond the crisis at structural developments, the Netherlands is still in a relatively good shape, most importantly because of its flexible labour market and limited dependency on foreign capital.

(Country Focus 10. December 2009. Brussels. PDF. 7pp. Graph. Ann. Free.)

KC-XA-09-010-E-N (online)
ISBN 978-92-79-13295-7 (online)
ISSN 1725-8375 (online)

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