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The link between product market reform and macro-economic performance - Rachel Griffith and Rupert Harisson

Author(s): Rachel Griffith (Institute for Fiscal Studies, IFS, and Centre for Economic Policy Research, CEPR) and Rupert Harisson (IFS)

The link between product market reform and macro-economic performance - Rachel Griffith and Rupert Harisson pdf (703 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 

Value-added per capita in EU countries has lagged behind the US. This is despite widespread reforms to product markets across EU countries aimed at increasing growth.

This study analyses the macro-economic impact of product market reforms undertaken in the European Union over the 1980s and 1990s by examining a large number of regulations and reforms across EU countries.

(European Economy. Economic Papers 209. August 2004. Brussels. 131pp. Tab. Free.)

KC-AI-04-209-EN-C (online)
ISBN available soon (online)
ISSN 1725-3187 (online)

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