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MICREF - The database on microeconomic reforms

The database covering microeconomic reform measures in all 27 EU Member States is now online

Article created on 30 July 2008

MICREF is a tool for monitoring and analysing the reform process. Its aim is to improve the surveillance of micro-economic reforms in the EU Member States in the context of the Lisbon agenda.

MICREF provides a systematic record of the actual implementation of microeconomic reform measures. Only reform measures that are likely to have a significant economic impact and to raise potential growth are included in the database. The database also provides information on the design and scope of reforms undertaken.

MICREF is organised around three broad policy domains:

  • open and competitive markets;
  • business environment and entrepreneurship; and
  • knowledge-based economy.

These domains correspond to seven broad policy fields: market integration; competition policy; sector-specific regulation; start-up conditions; business environment; R&D and innovation; and education; each policy field is subdivided into areas of policy intervention. 

The database also includes a set of descriptive features of these reform measures to facilitate cross-country comparisons of priorities.

>> More information and access to MICREF 

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