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Statement on Romania

09.02.2015 - Teams from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Commission (EC) visited Bucharest during January 27-February 10, 2015 to continue discussions on the third review under the precautionary IMF Stand-By Agreement and on the first review of Romania’s precautionary balance of payments programme with the European Union.

Teams from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Commission (EC) visited Bucharest during January 27-February 10, 2015 to continue discussions on the third review under the precautionary IMF Stand-By Agreement and on the first review of Romania’s precautionary balance of payments programme with the European Union.

The teams had constructive discussions with the Romanian authorities on how to reach the objectives of the EC-IMF-supported programme and agreed on a number of key policies in this regard. Despite the important progress, some issues remain outstanding, and discussions will continue from respective headquarters in the coming weeks.

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