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Merger cases by date - 1994

Page generated on 2005-02-08T10:58:28Z

Disclaimer: The deadlines are provisional and reflect the status of a case on the preceding two working days. These deadlines may change for reasons provided for in the Merger Regulation and its Implementing Regulation. Updates take place every day.

This list only provides case-specific information that can be made publicly available. Information that is not included herein cannot become available either through the site or through telephone / e-mail contact.

Information to users:

Council Regulation 139/2004 ("the recast Merger regulation") will apply to concentrations as of 1 May 2004. In order to avoid any possible confusion regarding concentrations notified under Council Regulation 4064/89, but with a deadline after that date (this applies to all cases notified on or after 26 March 2004), the term "(4064)" will be added to the name of relevant cases and will appear after the name