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Actualités / Evénements

Citizenship Study Reports


The study 'Participatory Citizenship in the European Union' mapped the theory, policy, practices and levels of engagement across Europe into 3 reports: the Contextual Report, the Analytic Report and the Good Practice Report.

Data was collected from the 27 EU member states by experts. This was complemented with the analysis of European and international datasets and the most up to date literature in the field. A 4th report includes the policy recommendations: these are oriented towards the Europe 2020 strategy for ‘smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’ overall and, more specifically, to policies and actions in the context of developing the new Europe for Citizens Programme 2014 – 2020, and in light of the upcoming 2013 European Year of Citizens, and the 2014 European elections.

Contextual Analysis Reportpdf(285 KB)

Analytic Reportpdf(2 MB)

Good Practices Reportpdf(662 KB)

Final Study Summary and Policy Recommendationspdf(215 KB)

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