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Research, Innovation and Science


European Commission

Commissioner delivers speech at the Canada Public Policy Forum, Ottawa, 10 September, 2014
Commissioner delivers speech at the Canada Public Policy Forum


"In May last year, the EU and Canada, together with the US, established the Transatlantic Ocean Research Alliance to better align our research programmes in the area of marine and Arctic research. This initiative has already created a tremendous momentum and some 57 million Euro has been earmarked for projects in 2014 and 2015 that should involve Canadian and US researchers."

Commissioner and Suzanne Fortier, Principal & Vice-Chancellor of McGill University, together at McGill University, Montreal, © EU, 2014
Commissioner in Canada: Opening of the Destination Europe Conference, McGill University


"During the Seventh EU Framework Programme, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie scheme funded some 270 Canadian researchers to work in Europe and more than 150 Europeans to work in Canada. We hope that this excellent level of researcher mobility will increase in the coming years. These pan-European programmes are only the tip of the iceberg of opportunities."

© EU, 2014
Commissioner delivers keynote address at the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2014


"I am not a scientist. But as a politician I am positively evangelical about the power of science to improve and enrich our lives and to sustain our economy"

Commissioner delivers speech at The Economist’s Spain Summit


"Spain is not facing its challenges alone - many Member States share similar problems. I know that Minister de Guindos, who is responsible for research in the Spanish government, is ambitious to reform, and the European Commission is keen to help"

Commissioner addresses the Business and Professional Women’s Club


"Many of the issues that you might recognise from your own lives - such as working in male-dominated sectors, the glass ceiling, balancing work and private life - are faced by women across the continent both in business and in the area I am directly responsible for: research and innovation"

© Paul Sherwood Photography, 2014
Commissioner launches €9 million research project, co-funded by the EU Marie Curie ASSISTID Cofund and the Irish charity RESPECT


"The ASSISTID COFUND Programme is one of the many areas in which the European Commission is focusing efforts to address the challenges of autism and intellectual disability through multidisciplinary and international research"

Commissioner delivers opening speech at the IPCC Climate Change Event - Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation – The Role of Innovation,


"Numerous European research projects have provided essential input to this extraordinary scientific endeavour and many leading scientists from all over Europe have been instrumental in compiling these reports. I am very proud of our contribution"

© EU, 2014 - Commissioner at the Acropolis Museum, together with Mr. Dimitrios Pandermalis, President of the Board of Directors of the Acropolis Museum, and Mr. Christos Vasilakos, Secretary General for Research and Technology at the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.
Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn delivers keynote address at the International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI)


"Europe's genius for innovation and invention can be traced all the way back to ancient Greece but […] the innovation challenges that our continent faces are so great that they demand action on a Europe-wide scale"

Commissioner delivers opening address on the Conference on the Joint Programming Initiative


"When Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life was launched, the Council of the European Union noted that in the last three decades the levels of overweight and obesity in the EU have risen dramatically, particularly among children, and that the trend of poor diet and low physical activity is getting even worse."

Commissioner launches Horizon 2020 in Italy


"I am very confident that Italian researchers and innovators will take full advantage of the huge opportunities offered by Horizon 2020"

Commissioner delivers keynote speech at the Joint Event on Women Researchers and the presentation of the Atomia prize


"Excellence springs from many sources, but too often women scientists and innovators have had to work that little bit harder to move from the shadows to the spotlight – from the margins to the centre."

© EU, 2014
Commissioner delivers keynote address at event ‘Horizon 2020 Is Open for Business


"SMEs represent more than 99% of the private sector and they provide two out of three jobs in the private sector – almost 87 million jobs in 2012 – and contribute to more than half of the total value-added created by businesses in the EU – close to 3.4 trillion Euro in 2012"

Commissioner launches Horizon 2020 in Malta


"These are just some of the many opportunities that Horizon 2020 offers to researchers and innovators in Malta. But where should they begin? "

Commissioner launches Horizon 2020 in the UK


"I am pleased that some of the people that were instrumental in delivering Horizon 2020 are here today. Without the UK at the table, Horizon 2020 might have looked very different indeed"

Commissioner delivers keynote address at ESS ERIC Launch


"The European Social Survey is a wonderful example of how we can get better research results and better value for money by pooling expertise, knowledge and resources in Europe"

© Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Department 224 "EU Research Programmes, ERC, EIT", Gerald Schmidt
Commissioner delivers keynote address at launch of Horizon 2020 in Germany


"The strength of Germany's economy, particularly in manufacturing, is proof positive to the rest of the world that it pays to reform and it pays to keep on investing in the biggest drivers of growth: education, research and innovation."

Commissioner launches Horizon 2020 in Austria


"I was encouraged to learn that, following an initiative of the Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, 22 of the biggest Austrian companies have committed to increase R&D spending by 20% by 2015"

Commissioner delivers keynote speech at launch of Horizon 2020 in Slovakia


"I would like to acknowledge the progress that Slovakia has made in recent years and the reforms undertaken by the Slovak authorities in the fields of research, education and innovation, putting these sectors firmly among the government’s priorities."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the launch of Horizon 2020 in Cyprus


"I am determined that this additional money – which represents a roughly 30 per cent increase in real terms on the 7th Framework Programme for Research – will be invested as wisely and efficiently as possible."

Commissioner and Swiss Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann, Head of Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER) - © Gaëtan Bally
Commissioner launches Horizon 2020 in Switzerland


"Switzerland has few peers when it comes to innovation. The Innovation Union Scoreboard consistently shows Switzerland as the leading performer, and the new European Innovation indicator also shows that Switzerland is one of Europe's top performers."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the launch of Horizon 2020 in Greece


"We are at the beginning of the Greek Presidency of the Council, which comes at a very important moment for Europe with the European Parliament elections this coming May."

Left to right: Dr Imelda Lambkin, Enterprise Ireland, Director National Support Network for Horizon 2020, Seán Sherlock, T.D. Irish Minister for Research & Innovation, and the Commissioner  © Gary O’Neill Photography
Commissioner launches Horizon 2020 in Ireland


"Everyone involved in Horizon 2020 certainly has reason to celebrate. Over the next seven years, we will use every cent of Horizon 2020′s budget to build a stronger, more innovative and more competitive Europe, and improve the quality of life for everyone"

Commissioner and Mr Jernej Pikalo, Slovenian Minister for Education, Science and Sport, 29 November 2013. © STA, Tamino Petelinšek
Commissioner delivers keynote address at the launch of Horizon 2020 in Ljubljana


"Slovenian participants in 649 different projects have so far drawn nearly 155 million Euro of funding under the 7th Framework Programme"

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the launch of the EU-Russia Year of Science 2014


"Cooperation in science, technology and innovation holds a very special place in the overall EU-Russian relations. "

Commissioner addresses European Parliament Plenary debate on Horizon 2020


"From the very beginning of my mandate, I was determined to cut red tape and to make Horizon 2020 simpler, more coherent and more accessible than its predecessors. Thanks to your support, the job is done!"

Commissioner delivers speech at ‘R&D+i in Europe 2020’ Conference, Bilbao


"Your economic success is proof positive that consistently high levels of investment in research and innovation pay off in the long run."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at Launch of Horizon 2020 in Madrid, 11 November 2013. © EU, 2013
Commissioner delivers keynote address at Launch of Horizon 2020 in Madrid


"Spain is in an excellent position to benefit from Horizon 2020. Your researchers and innovators are already active participants in FP7 - more than 8,300 of whom are participating in FP7 projects, receiving a total funding of 2.5 billion Euro."

Commissioner launches Horizon 2020 in Finland


"As the country with one of Europe's best records in research and innovation, I know that you will be keen to take advantage of the opportunities offered by Horizon 2020, the EU's new programme for research and innovation"

Commissioner delivering her speech in Warsaw - © EU, 2013
Commissioner launches Horizon 2020 in Poland


"Polish participants have so far drawn nearly 370 million Euro of funding under the 7th Framework Programme"

Commissioner launches Horizon 2020 in the Czech Republic


"Your strong industrial tradition dates back to the early days of the industrial revolution when Bohemia and Moravia became an economic and industrial powerhouse. Your talent for manufacturing is exemplified in fine crystal and Škoda cars, and of course in quality pilsner beers!"

Commissioner with Victor Ponta, Romanian Prime Minister
Commissioner launches Horizon 2020 in Romania


"The number of Romanian participations doubled between FP5 and FP7, while the EC funding received increased fourfold."

Commissioner delivering keynote address © Vidūnas Gelumbauskas, 2013
Commissioner delivers keynote address at the Lithuanian Presidency Conference: ‘Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities’


"Research and technology provide many answers to the challenges we face, but technological fixes alone aren't enough to solve our major, complex problems. A knowledge society needs to know itself, and the social sciences and humanities are the keys to this."

Medtronic Vice Presidents, Mr. Sean Salmon , Mr Mike Coyle, Mr Steve Oesterle and Mr Gerard Kilcommins, at the opening of the Medtronic Global Innovation centre at Medtronic, together with Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn.
Commissioner opens the Medtronic Customer Innovation Centre


"Innovation in medical technologies has enormous potential to boost competitiveness and growth in Europe. It is the leading industrial sector in patent applications, with more than 10,400 last year alone."

Commissioner delivers opening speech at the launch of the Academic Year of Maastricht University


"The Maastricht Treaty broke new ground. It created the European Union, established European citizenship and led to the creation of the Euro. Clearly one of the most important milestones in the history of the EU"

Left to right: Jerzy Buzek, Member of the European Parliament, Wiesław Byczkowski, Deputy Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeships, Commissioner, Bożena Lublińska-Kasprzak, Chairperson of the Board Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, and Grazyna Henclewska, Under Secretary of State Ministry of Economy
Commissioner attends the Conference on 'Ecosystem for Innovation - How to build a social-economic environment for intelligent development of regions', and participates in the opening of the Gdańsk Science and Technology Park


"I am proud that EU funds helped to make this dream come true and that these buildings will serve to boost research and innovation in Pomerania"

Innovation Investment Package


"The contribution from the EU budget is more than doubled and the commitment from industry has increased even more. This is a vote of confidence in investing in research and innovation in Europe"

Statement by Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn on the conclusions of negotiations on Horizon 2020


"This is a very important step that will help ensure that Horizon 2020 can launch as planned next year"

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the EU Summit on Active and Healthy Ageing


"Ageing in itself is not an illness to be fixed. It’s a period of life with the potential to be as rich, rewarding and productive as any other. We're all ageing – and we all, quite rightly, hope and expect to live longer than previous generations, with better quality of life. Europe's silver society can offer golden opportunities."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the WIRE IV Conference, Cork © EU, 2013
Commissioner delivers keynote address at the WIRE IV Conference


"We're meeting at a key moment - just when the European Parliament and the Council are moving closer to agreeing the future legal frameworks for the EU's research and innovation and cohesion policies, on the basis of the Commission's proposals".

Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn launches the Month of the Brain ‘Healthy Brain: Healthy Europe’ Conference


"Investment in brain research is an intelligent investment, especially in times of scares resources, as it can help avoid even higher costs to society in the future"

From left to right, seated: David M. Wells, Maria Damanaki, Máire Geoghengan-Quinn, Kerri-Anne Jones - From left to right, standing: Enda Kenny and Simon Coveney © Andrew Downes Photography, 2013
The Atlantic – A Shared Resource


"The United States, Canada and the European Union don’t just share the North Atlantic as a valuable resource and a bio-diverse heritage to be protected. The Atlantic connects, nurtures, conditions, feeds and heals our planet. The vast blue expanses between countries, truly bind us together."

Left to right: Dr James Browne, President, NUIG, Commissioner, Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland and Professor Dorothy Kelly, Executive Board Chair, Coimbra Group. © 2013, Mac Mahon Photography
Commissioner attends the annual conference of the Coimbra Group ‘Creativity, Research and Innovation in Universities’


"If we want to tackle our biggest societal challenges and develop technology-based business, we need an excellent science base and we need to train creative graduates and foster critical and innovative mind-sets".

'Pictured on the opening day of the SET-Plan 2013 conference with some of the latest electric vehicle technologies were Mr. Pat Rabbitte, Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Commissioner Geoghegan Quinn, and Dr Brian Motherway, Chief Executive of SEAI © Maxwell Photography, 2013
Commissioner delivers keynote address at the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan 2013 Conference


"Today, 70% of the total research and innovation investment in SET Plan priorities comes from industry, with 20% from Member States and 10% from the European Commission."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the conference ‘Innovation, Reflection and Inclusive Societies: The Role and Contribution of the Humanities and Social Sciences’


"Society is hardwired by ethics, identity, belief, reflection, psychology and culture. There is no science without reason. No reason without understanding. No understanding without humanity. Without Greece, there is no Rome"

Commissioner and MEP Jo Leinen (on the left) at the Hannover Messe 2013, pictured at the joint stand 'Hydrogen & Fuel Cells', Hannover, 11 April 2013, © DMAG, 2013
Commissioner delivers keynote address at Hannover Messe 2013


"Investing in innovation in the field of sustainable transport offers European companies a huge commercial opportunity: products and services related to sustainable mobility will represent a global market of 300 billion Euro in 2020. We simply cannot afford to let this opportunity slip through our fingers."

“Commissioner delivers keynote address at JRC Conference “Scientific Support to European Union Growth and Jobs: Efficient buildings, vehicles and equipment”


"Efficiency, particularly of buildings, vehicles and equipment, is crucial not only for achieving our energy, climate and environmental goals; it will also give a real boost to the economy by delivering important savings and job creation"

Commissioner delivers speech at Opening of Ireland / EU 40th Anniversary Exhibition in Dublin


"Membership of the EU has been overwhelmingly positive for Ireland. It has transformed our economy and our society for the better in countless ways – including the social and economic status of women – and has given this small country a role on a bigger stage."

Commissioner delivers keynote speech at Conference ‘Successful R&I in Europe’, Düsseldorf - © Rainer Hotz, 2013
Commissioner delivers keynote speech at Conference ‘Successful R&I in Europe’, organised by the Ministry of Innovation, Science & Research of North-Rhine Westphalia


"In June 2010, Europe's leaders endorsed the Europe 2020 strategy, our roadmap to get the European economy back on track. At the heart of this strategy is the conviction that we need research and innovation to build long-term sustainable growth."

Commissioner Opens Conference on Joint Programming, Dublin - © European Union, 2013
Commissioner Opens Conference on Joint Programming


"You are best placed to determine your strengths and capacities, to identify where you can restructure your efforts to pool them with other countries, and to spot unnecessary overlaps. In this way, you will get the maximum impact from your resources".

Left to right: Paolo Bartolozzi, Member of the European Parliament, Commissioner, Simon Coveney, Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine and David Beehan, Chief Inspector of the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
Commissioner delivers opening address at the Irish Presidency Conference 'Bioeconomy in the EU: Achievements and directions for the future'


"The bioeconomy is our daily bread and butter - literally. It's the food on our plates, the water from our taps, the newspaper in our hands. It can transform our waste into valuable resources"

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the Young Scientists and Technology Exhibition


"We need to start in school by encouraging more children to study science and maths. We don’t just want them to become researchers [..] but to be informed members of an ever-more technological and knowledge-based society"

Commissioner delivers speech to Representatives of Industry, Science and Politics
Commissioner delivers speech to Representatives of Industry, Science and Politics


"Whatever our field, I know that one thing unites us: we are all dedicated to ensuring that our cities, our regions, and Europe as a whole, become powerhouses of research and innovation"

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the presentation of the 2012 Academy Gold Medals at the Royal Irish Academy
Commissioner delivers keynote address at the presentation of the 2012 Academy Gold Medals at the Royal Irish Academy


"The Royal Irish Academy plays a leading role in promoting a culture of commitment to excellent original research and scholarship in Ireland, which I think we all agree is extremely important. The Academy's work in this area is vital."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the opening of the Berlin 10 Open Access Conference - "Networked scholarship in a networked world: participation in open access"


"...nine years on, it is clear just how visionary the Berlin Declaration was, and how important it is to implement the principles it outlined."

Commissioner delivers address at the signing ceremony for the ERAfrica Implementation Agreement


"ERAfrica, originally funded by the European Union to the tune of almost 2 million euro, has until now managed to mobilise almost 11 million euro to fund project consortia with both African and European partners. Significantly, 35% of the funds come from the six African Partner countries, so this is without doubt a true partnership."

Commissioner addresses the EU-Africa Joint Experts Group-8


"We greatly appreciate South Africa's support for the High Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation. This support is crucial, particularly in view of the organisation of the next EU-Africa STI Senior Officials' meeting."

Commissioner delivers closing remarks at the Young South African & European Researchers Workshop


"I would like to pay particular tribute to the important work of the South African Network of National Contact Points, in marketing South Africa as a research partner of choice across EU Member States."

Commissioner delivers opening address at the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) Conference


"The EDCTP is a brilliant success story for EU-Africa research cooperation. Within a decade, it has become a key player in the global health arena."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the meeting of the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC)


"More than ever, we need the brightest minds to advise on research and innovation in order to deliver better policies, growth and jobs and to tackle the societal challenges that we face."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the Cypriot Presidency Conference 'INOVAHEALTH'


"More than 700 EU-funded collaborative health research projects are currently on-going. They represent an EU investment of 3.3 billion euro, involving some 2,900 organisations from 122 countries."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at 2012 Innovation Summit


"It's vital that Member States make the right choices. That's why the new European Semester is so important; it puts national policies under the microscope; it checks their spending priorities; it's a chance to embed innovation more deeply in their thinking."

Commissioner delivers speech at the 2nd European SME Convention


"Creating new SMEs or helping them to grow has become ever more important because we need thriving and innovative enterprises to get the European economy back on track, to provide growth and jobs."

Commissioner presents the Communication on 'A Reinforced European Research Area - Partnership for Excellence and Growth'


"Europe leads in many fields, but we can’t afford to be complacent. We produce more scientific publications than the US, but our publications are less frequently cited than theirs. In other words, we are falling behind when it comes to the very best research with the highest impact."

Commissioner delivers keynote address during ESOF week in Dublin


"Science satisfies our drive to understand the world around us. To uncover the truth. It reveals to us the most profound ideas."

Commissioner launches the final call for proposals under the 7th EU Research & Technological Framework Programme (FP7) 20047-2013. © EU, 2012
Commissioner launches the final call for proposals under the 7th EU Research & Technological Framework Programme (FP7) 20047-2013


"I am proud that today we are announcing 8.1 billion euro for new EU research projects, just ten days after EU leaders decided on the Compact for Growth and Jobs."

Commissioner launches the 'Women in Science Campaign'


"We cannot afford to waste any talents. We need all the best people working together, whether women or men."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the Europe 2020 Conference on Research, Innovation & Digitalization


"We need to be smart about how we invest public money in times of economic crisis. We need to be smart about using research and innovation to deliver growth and jobs and to tackle our other big societal challenges. We need to be smart about using the opportunities offered by the European Union in research and innovation. And we need to be smart about reforming our national research, innovation and education systems."

(l-r): Pictured before the replica of the Titanic staircase at Titanic Belfast, Commissioner, Ms Arlene Foster MLA, Northern Ireland Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment and Ms Lucinda Creighton TD, Irish Minister for European Affairs
Commissioner delivers keynote address at the 'Collaborate to Innovate' Conference, Belfast, 7 June 2012


"Northern Ireland's recent past has demonstrated how breaking down barriers, forging partnerships and exchanging ideas are the only way to move a society forward."

Commissioner delivers keynote speech at the ADITE Seminar on Research and Innovation in Europe
Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn keynote speech at the ADITE Seminar on Research and Innovation in Europe., 03 May 2012


"I would like to thank ADITE for giving me this opportunity to present some of the policies and actions that we are taking at European level to encourage and support more and better research and innovation partnerships."

(l-r): Professor Helga Nowotny, President European Research Council (ERC), Professor Dr. Karlheinz Töchterle, Austrian Federal Minister for Science and Research, and Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn. Photo © Willy Haslinger, 2012
Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn welcome speech at the ERC Gala Vienna, 23 April 2012


"Austria plays a special role in the European Research Council – Europe's success story in the sphere of research. Over the years, Austria has produced many scientists, inventors and innovators who have made a remarkable contribution to the modern world."

Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn Keynote speech at the "Science in Dialogue" Conference Odense, 23-25 April 2012


"Science is the basis for a better future and the bedrock of a knowledge-based society and a healthy economy."

Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn Keynote Speech at the "Excellence 2012 Conference" Aarhus, 19 April 2012


"It is vital that the idea of "excellence", which I believe is so important to our future, is more widely understood and promoted."

(l-r) Commissioner, Mr Tony Semedo, Vice President, Medtronic Endovascular and Mr Gerard Kilcommins, Vice President, Global Vascular Operations Medtronic. © Andrew Downes, 2012
Commissioner launches the turning of the sod ceremony for the construction of the new Customer Innovation Centre at Medtronics, Galway, 11 April 2012


"This new centre is a testament to Medtronic's commitment to working with clinicians, surgeons, researchers and patient groups in the development of new technology so as to improve the quality of health for patients throughout the world."

Commissioner with Mr Lahcen Daoudi, Moroccan Minister for Higher Education, Scientific Research and Executive Training. © Frederic Camallonga, 2012
Commissioner delivers keynote address at the Euromed Conference


"Research and innovation are key elements of the European Union's cooperation with Mediterranean countries since we are all facing challenges such as climate change, water and energy. It makes perfect sense to tackle these issues jointly, and to bring our scientists together so they can find the answers we need."

Commissioner delivers keynote address during her visit to the University of Auckland


"I am very keen to ensure that researchers from the European Union and New Zealand have every possible opportunity to work together to tackle the issues that matter to us most. "

Commissioner delivers speech. © EU, 2012
Commissioner delivers speech at the Universities Australia Higher Education Conference


"Australia and the EU share the view that research and innovation serve as vital motors in developing our economies. There are real similarities between the Australian innovation agenda and the EU’s Innovation Union initiative."

Commissioner delivers keynote address. © EU, 2012
Commissioner delivers keynote address at Nanyang Technological University


"It is a real honour to be at the Nanyang Technological University, a leading institution with an excellent reputation, and one of the most active Singaporean participants in our European research programmes"

l-r: Commissioner, Helga Nowotny, President of the ERC, and Minister Morton Østergaard Kristensen, Danish Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education © EU, 2012
Commissioner takes part in the European Research Council's (ERC) 5th Anniversary Celebrations


"Through the ERC, Europe's top researchers are for the first time competing on a level playing field. And that, precisely, is the EU added-value"

Commissioner addresses keynote speech. © EU, 2012
Commissioner delivers keynote speech at the Cluster Conference 2012


"Our future depends on competitive industries that are able to create jobs. This means investing in research, in new technologies and in creating a climate that boosts innovation"

Commissioner delivers speech at Press Conference on Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe © EU, 2012
Press Conference on Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe


"Shifting to the bioeconomy will help Europe to live within its limits: the sustainable production and exploitation of biological resources will allow Europe to produce more from less, while limiting negative impacts on the environment."

Vice-President Antonio TAJANI and Commissioner Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN at the Innovation Union Scoreboard 2011 press conference © EU, 2012
Innovation Union Scoreboard 2011 - Joint Press Conference by Vice President Tajani and Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn


"This is a clear signal for me that we're on the right track in trying to create more linkages across the EU to improve research performance across the board. We will do this with our Horizon 2020 program, and we will do it through achieving the European Research Area."

Commissioner delivers opening address at the launch of the Research Strategy for the European JPND, Brussels, 7 February 2012 - © Natalie Hill Photograph, 2012
Commissioner delivers opening address at the launch of the Research Strategy for the European Joint Programming Initiative for Neurodegenerative Diseases (JPND)


"We are expecting the countries participating in the JPND to commit substantial scientific, financial and management resources, even in the current economic climate."

Commissioner delivers speech at the ERA Conference 2012 © EU, 2012
Commissioner delivers speech at the ERA Conference 2012: 'Fostering Efficiency, Excellence and Growth'


"With Europe crying out for growth, ERA can’t wait any longer. We can’t continue with a situation where research funding is not always allocated competitively, where positions are not always filled on merit, where researchers can’t take their grants across borders, where large parts of Europe are not even in the game, where there is a scandalous waste of female talent and where our brightest and best are leaving never to return"

Commissioner and Dr Subra Suresh, Director of the US National Science Foundation. © EU, 2012
Commissioner delivers keynote address at the Conference "Destination Europe: Your Research and Innovation Opportunities!", Boston, 20 January 2012


"Europe is serious in its ambition to compete for the best scientific talent worldwide"

Commissioner addresses Roundtable Discussion with leading US Venture Capitalists, Cambridge MA, 19 January 2012


"Improving access to finance is essential to enhance the competitiveness and growth potential of innovative SMEs."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the European Institute, Washington, 18 January 2012


"The European Commission is very aware of the vital importance of the economic, research and innovation relationship between Europe and the United States."

Commissioner and Robert-Jan Smits, Director General of Directorate-General for Research & Innovation, opening the Innovation Convention Exhibition 2011. Photo © EU, 2011
Commissioner opens the First Innovation Convention Exhibition 2011, and signs RSFF agreement


"It gives me tremendous pleasure to share with you 48 fascinating research and innovation stories, taking place in the 27 Member States of the European Union"

Remarks at press conference launching Horizon 2020. Photo © EU, 2011
Press Conference on launching the Horizon 2020, Brussels 30 November 2011


"Our focus is on supporting the best research ideas that provide major business opportunities and change people’s lives for the better."

Commissioner delivers speech at Galway Science and Technology Festival Exhibition. Photo © Hany Marzouk, 2011
Commissioner delivers speech at Galway Science and Technology Festival Exhibition


"This festival has gone from strength to strength since it was founded in 1998, and I am proud to be visiting it again this year as the European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science."

Commissioner delivers speech to SIPTU. Photo © Paul Sharp at Sharppix, 2011
Commissioner delivers speech to SIPTU - 'Promoting Innovation in the Manufacturing Sector in Ireland - a driver for growth and jobs'


"European manufacturing is still dominant in international trade, leading the world in areas such as car manufacture, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, machinery and agricultural engineering."

Commissioner delivers speech at Tyndall National Institute


"Research is Tyndall’s core activity and the many scientific and technological breakthroughs reported are testimony to the quality of research conducted here. However, it is the application of that research and your track record of industry engagement that sets you apart."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at FoodDrinkEurope's Innovation Day. Photo © Thierry du Bois, 2011
Commissioner delivers keynote address at FoodDrinkEurope's Innovation Day


"The European food and drink industry is a major force in our economy, with a vital role to play and a tremendous responsibility in terms of people's health and well-being, and in the stewardship of our natural resources."

Commissioner delivers speech at the British Academy on the future of Social Sciences and Humanities Research. Photo © EU, 2011
Commissioner delivers speech at the British Academy on the future of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, London, 10 November 2011


"Let me assure you that the European Commission shares the goals of the British Academy to inspire, recognise and support excellence in the social sciences and humanities and to champion their role and value."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the IBM Colloquium 'The Science of Cities'. Photo © Fennels Photography, 2011
Commissioner delivers keynote address at the IBM Colloquium 'The Science of Cities', Dublin 27 October 2011


"Over the two days of this IBM colloquium you are discussing the most pressing issues of urban development and urban living. These issues touch on some of the greatest challenges facing us in Europe: the economy, climate change, energy and resources and the ageing of our population"

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the launch of 'Science Europe'. Photo © EU, 2011
Commissioner delivers keynote address at the launch of 'Science Europe', Berlin, 21 October 2011


"The creation of Science Europe represents a big step in the right direction. Science Europe consolidates the voices of researchers at European level, facilitating cooperation with the whole scientific community and funding bodies"

Commissioner, pictured with Irish Minister for Research and Innovation, Seán Sherlock TD, addresses the bureau of the ALDE (Liberal Democrats) group in the European Parliament. Photo © Sharppix, 2011
Commissioner addresses the ALDE Bureau Meeting, Dublin, 20 October 2011


"I am delighted that the Parliament has already shown great interest in our work by carrying out a series of reports that addressed issues such as Horizon 2020, simplification, Innovation Union and the FP7 Interim Evaluation. We greatly appreciated the timing of these reports, since they came early enough for the Commission to consider its proposals in depth in the context of drafting the Horizon 2020 package"

Commissioner delivers keynote address at opening reception of the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) exhibition 'Networks of Science'. Photo © COST Office, 2011
Commissioner delivers keynote address at opening reception of the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) exhibition 'Networks of Science', 18 October 2010, Brussels


"I would like to thank COST's staff and its President, Doctor Rodriguez-Peña, as well as her predecessors Professor Fedi and Mr. Diehl, for their work to modernise this framework, which, now meets their customers' needs even more efficiently and effectively"

Commissioner delivers keynote address at Intel's Annual Conference on European Research and Innovation. Photo © Intel Ireland, 2011
Commissioner delivers keynote address at Intel's Annual Conference on European Research and Innovation, Leixlip, 13 October 2011


"Europe's future depends on competitive industries that are able to grow and create jobs. This means investing in research and in new technologies and in creating a climate that boosts innovation"

Commissioner addresses the Brussels branch of the Irish Parliament's Institute for International and European Affairs (IIEA). Photo © EU, 2011
Commissioner addresses the Brussels branch of the Irish Parliament's Institute for International and European Affairs (IIEA), Brussels 20 September 2011.


"The Member States are keen to reverse Europe's failure to make the necessary structural reforms and investments in innovation and growth, including investment in education and training, in key enabling technologies or advanced manufacturing. While the difficulties are enormous, I see that there is a consensus that we must act now, we must act decisively and we must act together to tackle our innovation emergency".

Commissioner launches public consultation on the European Research Area (ERA). Photo © EU, 2011
Commissioner launches public consultation on the European Research Area (ERA), Brussels, 13 September 2011.


"On a practical level, we need a European Research Area that is interconnected, structured, mobile and efficient; a unified research area that brings together people and ideas in a way that catalyses excellent science and world-leading innovation"

Commissioner delivers closing address at the Info Days on the Research PPPs - Factories of the Future, Energy - Efficient Buildings & Green Cars", Brussels, 12 July 2011


"I am sure you will be very pleased to hear that the draft legislative proposal in preparation for HORIZON 2020 will address the use of Public-Private Partnerships. It is important that there is a place for large-scale strategic actions such as PPPs with the critical mass to reach their objectives"

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the 15th World Lithuanian Symposium on Arts and Sciences". Photo © EU, 2011
Commissioner delivers keynote address at the 15th World Lithuanian Symposium on Arts and Sciences", Vilnius 4 July


"Together, science, entrepreneurship and creativity can help build a successful and competitive Lithuania that will improve the lives of everyone who lives here. [..] Getting business and science know-how together to boost Europe's innovation is an issue that is close to my heart. It is an issue that I am convinced is vital to Europe's long term growth and the health of our society. And that is why we are here today"

Commissioner attends forum with Mr. Richard Bruton, Irish Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, and with various Framework Programme 7 stakeholders. Photo © EU, 2011
Commissioner attends forum with Mr. Richard Bruton, Irish Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, and with various Framework Programme 7 stakeholders, Dublin, 24 June 2011


"The calls for proposals will provide major support for Innovation Union and its commitments. Our Innovation Union goals will be reflected throughout - in particular by strengthening research excellence, integrating research and innovation as much as possible; addressing key technologies; facilitating collaborative and industry-driven research; increasing demonstration activities, and emphasising projects with EU added value and socio-economic impact"

Commissioner delivers keynote address at Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Dublin, 17 July


"The launch of this Institute cements the reputation of Trinity College as a world-class centre of learning and a key partner in European-level research projects, and it shows confidence in the role that research and innovation will play in Ireland's economic recovery"

Commissioner together with Mr John Herlihy, Vice-President of global ad operations, Google. Photo © EU, 2011
Commissioner delivers keynote address at the Google Campus, Dublin, 16 June 2011


"I hope that Google - in many ways a byword for innovation - will continue to contribute to economic growth by investing even more in Europe, by innovating even more in Europe and by contributing even more to a level playing field for innovation in Europe"

Commissioner addresses keynote opening speech at the conference on the European Commission's Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation funding", Brussels, 10 June 2011. Photo © : EU 2011
Commissioner's keynote opening address on the conference on the European Commission's Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation funding", Brussels, 10 June 2011


"Since we launched the 7th Framework Programme in 2007, the game has changed. [..] It has also become clear that Europe is facing an innovation emergency – we must prioritise innovation to ensure that we don't fall behind our competitors and to ensure a better quality of life for people in Europe"

Commissioner at the conference on the European Commission's Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation funding", Brussels, 10 June 2011. Photo © : EU 2011
Closing remarks by Commissioner on the conference on the European Commission's Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation funding", Brussels, 10 June 2011


"The next step in the process will be the adoption of the Commission's proposal for the future EU Budget at the end of this month. This will propose an overall budget for the Common Strategic Framework and for other important policies"

Commissioner gives a speech at Tsinghua University on the issue of the European Union and China joining forces to tackle global political , Beijing, 25 May 2011 - Photos: © EU Delegation, China
Speech by Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn at Tsinghua University on the issue of the European Union and China joining forces to tackle global political challenges, Beijing, 25 May 2011


"2011 is also the EU-China Year of Youth. Along a raft of exciting initiatives, it provides a perfect opportunity to further enhance the ties between our students and researchers and to promote mutual understanding among our young people. Our universities have a special role to play in doing just that."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at graduation ceremony at the China-Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai, 22 May 2011 - Photos: © EU Delegation, China
Commissioner delivers keynote address at graduation ceremony at the China-Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai, 22 May 2011


"The CEIBS is probably one of the best examples of EU-China cooperation: a tangible example of cooperation that not only boosts our relations in a very practical way, but also improves the lives and careers of hundreds of current and former students."

Commissioner address the Acredited Diplomatic Corps in Brussels, 17 May


"International cooperation is a vital part of our research and innovation funding. It makes sense to bring the world's best research and the world's best researchers together, where possible, in order to tackle common global challenges such as sustainable mobility, climate change, energy security and our ageing population."

Commissioner celebrates Europe Day in European Commission Representation Office, Dublin, 9 May 2011 - Photos: © Lensman Photographic Agency
Commissioner attends Europe Day events in Dublin, and delivers speech to Oireachtas


"Since 1973 Ireland, and Europe, have surmounted many difficult and complex problems together. We have done this through solidarity, cooperation and dialogue - the very principles on which the European Union is based."

Minister Svenja Schulze and Commissioner together with the three winners of the FRP.NRW Award, Düsseldorf, 7 April 2011 - Left to right: Minister Svenja Schulze, Prof. Dr.Christian Rehtanz, Dr Marc von Hobe, Prof. Dr. Sabina Jeschke, Commissioner - Photo: © MIWF NRW, 2011
Commissioner delivers speech at the FRP.NRW Awards Ceremony, Düsseldorf


"Earlier today, I was privileged to see at first hand, some excellent examples of the kind of cutting edge research that makes North Rhine-Westphalia and Germany bywords for scientific excellence."

Commissioner delivers keynote address at the closing of the 6th European Aeronautics Days Conference, Madrid


"[..] Aviation industries have a key role to play in addressing the environmental, energy and resource challenges that we face. Aviation makes the world smaller. It brings people together, it enriches our outlook"

Commissioner delivers keynote address at ZEW Conference: Going for Smart Growth with Knowledge and Innovation, Mannheim, 4 March 2011 - Photos: © ZEW, 2011
Commissioner delivers keynote address at ZEW Conference: Going for Smart Growth with Knowledge and Innovation, Mannheim


"Baden-Württemberg has an impressive record: by investing 4.4% of GDP in research and development, you have already outperformed the 3% target set by Europe 2020....You are living proof of how much our regions matter!"

Group photo at the AmCham Conference, Brussels, 3 March 2011 - © AmCham, 2011
Innovation in the Transatlantic Relationship: Unlocking the Potential of a 21st Century Economy


"I think of the EU and the US as a pair of climbers. We are scaling the steep cliff of growth towards greater prosperity, while battling against harsh economic cross-winds."

Commissioner at Press conference on a Common Strategic Framework
Commissioner launches consultation on major improvements to EU Research and Innovation funding


"This Green Paper is also very much the next step in our simplification agenda - we cannot maximise value for money without simplification. We need to release our researchers and innovators from red tape."

Commissioner delivers speech at the Royal Society, London
Commissioner delivers speech at the Royal Society, London


"It is right that UK innovation and business has a global outlook but with a vibrant research and innovation system, the UK has everything to gain from the Innovation Union and the European Research Area and nothing to lose."

Speech to the Policy Challenges Committee of the European Parliament (SURE)


"A proposal for a modern and forward-looking EU Budget must have research and innovation at its core to be a credible response to Europe 2020 objectives."

Speech to the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee of the European Parliament (IMCO) on the role of public procurement policies in supporting EU innovation strategies


"Europe has an enormous opportunity to use procurement strategically to boost innovation by stimulating and supporting public demand, particularly in areas where societal challenges need to be tackled."

Commissioner Máire Geoghegan Quinn
Innovation Union Scoreboard highlights the innovation emergency in Europe


"Innovation is as essential to sustainable growth and jobs as water is to life. Economies that do not innovate will wither away. So this Scoreboard is a key instrument also of the Europe 2020 Strategy and of the Annual Growth Survey we published last month."

Speech at the discharge hearing before the EP Committee on Budgetary Control


"We will be able to propose more radically simplified rules and procedures in the next research and innovation funding programme, on the basis of our proposed revision of the Financial Regulation, taking into account the proposals contained in the Carvalho report. We will need the support of the institutions, including the Parliament, to make this happen."

Commissioner announces simpler funding and roadmap towards the future of European Research and Innovation Funding - Brussels, 24 January 2011 - © European Union, 2011
Research and innovation - simpler funding and roadmap towards the new programme


"The three changes we are announcing today will save millions of euro and deliver better value for taxpayers' money. They will feed into better research results and lead to new products and services."

Commissioner addresses the Annual Conference of the European Business Network


"Genuinely open innovation requires brokerage, intermediaries and networks in which all players can participate on an equal basis. The European Business & Innovation Centre Network has an important role to play."

Group photo
First meeting of College with Hungarian Government as Hungary takes over Presidency of the European Council


"Europe must embrace excellence to compete internationally. It must be our hallmark. That means pooling resources to build excellent infrastructures; awarding funding on the basis of excellence alone.....and making the European Institute of Innovation and Technology a hub for excellence and entrepreneurship."

Building the Innovation Union - Seminar on Innovation Union at the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences


Sweden's national innovation framework conditions show clear strengths in several areas, you have a stable macro-economic environment, with a well educated workforce and a clutch of R&D-intensive, multi-national corporations. These strengths are reinforced by Sweden's excellent integration into global markets.

Commissioner delivers speech at Dublin City University (DCU) - © DCU, 2010
Investment in Research and Innovation – the Path to Economic Recovery


"I warmly welcome the innovation-led initiatives that DCU is contributing to including An tSli Ghlas - The Green Way, Ireland's first green economic zone. An tSli Ghlas is an excellent example of the critical role that partnerships across academia, industry and regional authorities can play in leading to significant innovation"

Commissioner addresses the launch of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI), Brussels


"The primary goal of the EHRI is to bring together information that is currently located in archives across Europe. [...] EHRI will design and implement a Virtual Research Environment offering online access for researchers to a wide variety of dispersed Holocaust archives and to a number of tools to work with them."

Commissioner delivers speech at Covidien Medical Devices Plant, Ireland


"I applaud the news that COVIDIEN will invest 1.8 million euro in medical technology R&D projects with Irish academic institutions, kicking off with a 900,000 euro investment with the National University of Ireland here in Galway"

Commissioner delivers opening address at the Science Summit 2010


"I firmly believe that Europe will only fully benefit from the talent, knowledge and ingenuity of our researchers if it becomes as easy for research institutes, universities and companies to cooperate within the European Union as within their own Member States."

Commissioner delivers speech to ITRE Committee, European Parliament on "An Innovation Union for Sustainable Growth and a Fairer and Greener Society"


Innovation is the key to building sustainable growth and fairer and greener societies and I very much hope that President Barroso and I will find strong backing in the European Parliament for making the Innovation Union a reality 

Commissioner speaks at Business Europe's CEO Event, Brussels


This is what the Innovation Union Flagship is about: innovation as the overarching policy objective; where we take a medium- to longer-term perspective; where all policy instruments, measures and funding are designed to contribute to innovation; where EU and national policies are closely aligned and mutually reinforcing; and last but not least, where the highest political level sets a strategic agenda, regularly monitors progress and tackles delays. 

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
The "Innovation Union" – turning ideas into jobs, green growth and social progress


We need an Innovation Union to help get our 23 million unemployed people back to work and keep them there. We need an Innovation Union to tackle society's biggest challenges: climate change, energy and food security, healthy living and an ageing society. We need an Innovation Union because Europe does not yet have an innovation culture like the US – and China and India are catching up. 

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
EURAXESS event: "Europe, where knowledge has no borders"


Since I became the Commissioner responsible for Research and Innovation earlier this year, I have often wished I could be in two places at once. Thanks to the wonders of holography, a technology invented in Europe, I am able to be with you right at the centre of today's event   

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
The Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy Towards 2020


Worth nearly two Trillion Euro, the European Bio-Economy provides around 22 million jobs in Europe, across sectors as diverse as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food, chemicals, and biofuels. This is the impressive reality of the European Bio-economy.   

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, on the right, and Maria Damanaki
Oceans for Tomorrow - Commission Info Day for Potential Research Projects on Oceans and Seas, Brussels


The "Ocean of Tomorrow" call for proposals that will be presented in detail this morning seeks to generate the knowledge that will help us to innovate so that we can strike the balance making the most of the seas' and oceans' potential, while preserving the marine environment that is the source of this wealth.   

Seventh Framework programme calls for proposals Brussels


"Investment in research and innovation is the only smart and lasting way out of crisis and towards sustainable and socially equitable growth."  

The Innovation Union: smoothing the path from ideas to markets


"We must identify and invest in new growth markets and innovate more quickly if we are to both create and maintain jobs and remain competitive in future."  

Tapping Research and Innovation for Jobs and Growth: Strengthening EU-US Cooperation in Research, Innovation and Science


"The partnership between the European Union and the United States in matters of science and technology - as well as in trade and investment - is rich, deep and fruitful." 

Innovation, Investment and Growth - Roundtable Lunch hosted by the European-American Business Council (EABC)


"We need to pursue regulatory and policy cooperation that promises closer integration of our economies. The result will be to boost growth and job creation, while supporting strategic societal goals."  

Commissioner delivers speech at Conference on 'Innovation in Healthcare, from Retail to Market - SMEs in Focus', 20 May 2010, Brussels - (C) European Union, 2010
Conference on Innovation in Healthcare, from Retail to Market - SMEs in Focus


"While in Europe we have a strong scientific base, that alone is not enough to ensure better, faster diagnosis of patients, and provide more personalized, effective and efficient treatments and drugs. We also need to remove the barriers that prevent bright ideas from reaching the market."  

Preparing Europe for a new renaissance: how science can help restore sustainable prosperity


"[...] we need a dynamic and comprehensive strategy – an Innovation Policy - geared towards excellent research, new technologies, new products and new solutions. Geared towards change. Making this triangle between Research, Innovation and Science work is therefore the crux of my portfolio and that is where I expect you to contribute with concrete ideas."  

Vice President of the EP Diana Wallis, JRC Director General Roland Schenkel and Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
Speech at the exhibition of the Joint Research Centre, at the European Parliament, Brussels


"Scientists from the Joint Research Centre are playing a key role in bringing forward new scientific initiatives, which fundamentally help to build a better European society for us all and for future generations."  

Opening Remarks at the Press Conference on Simplification of Research Funding, Brussels


"The Framework Programme is not a programme for accountants or bureaucrats. It is a programme for scientists and innovators. Above all, it is a programme for Europeans. It provides tangible evidence of how the EU can improve people's lives."  

Cities innovating for future growth - Speech at Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin city


"We must put excellence at the heart of the European research policy and we must ensure a free flow of knowledge, the so called "Fifth Freedom" which is one of the core features of the European Research Area."  

Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn at the EP Conference on Healthy Ageing - © EU, 2010
Speech at the European Parliament: Healthy Ageing - A European Priority: The Dutch Perspective


"It is our duty and also my personal challenge to create a critical mass of research and innovation at an EU level developing new and key enabling technologies which will support healthy ageing."  

Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn at the Lisbon Council's Innovation Summit - © EU, 2010
Towards an 'i-conomy' - Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn delivers the 2010 Guglielmo Marconi lecture at the Lisbon Council's innovation summit


"My job is to work closely with Commission colleagues, the Member States, business and other stakeholders to help transform Europe into a really vibrant innovation economy, what I call an "i-conomy" ... Innovation is not limited to the private sector. It must happen in schools and hospitals, crèches, community centres and care homes..."

Mr. John Vassallo, President of AMCHAM EU, and Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn  - © AMCHAM EU, 2010
Speech at the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU: A European Research and Innovation Union


"US companies are by far the largest source of foreign direct investment for the European Union. The United States of America is Europe's most important science and technology partner. Staying open to the world is essential."

Mrs Geoghegan-Quinn at the EP hearings  - © European Union, 2010 (source: EbS)
Opening remarks at the European Parliament


"Accountability and dialogue are at the heart of our European democracy. I hope that my appreance before you to approve my designation as a future member of the European Commission with responsibility for research, innovation, and science, will meet the expectations of this house."