Jacques Delors

Giving Europe a soul

Europe’s visionary architect

Jacques Delors' unparalleled talent and unwavering willpower left a permanent mark on the very fabric of the European Union.  

From 1985 to 1995 as President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors was the visionary architect who laid the foundations and sowed the seeds of some of the most outstanding achievements of the European project.  

His 10-year tenure was not just a chapter; it was an epoch of profound change, which has left a lasting imprint on the European Union as we know it today. 

Three decades on, Delors' legacy continues to echo in European history. 

"There are people who content themselves with protesting against the current society, and others, who seek to change it actively. I prefer to be part of the second category."
Jacques Delors

Charting the destiny of Europe 

A profound legacy of unity 

When Jacques Delors became President of the European Commission, he was faced with a continent in the grip of crisis. A prevailing sense of pessimism dominated European economics, casting doubts over the very foundations of the European project. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the reunification of Germany, the collapse of the USSR and the wars in former Yugoslavia, marked an era of tumultuous transformation. 

Against this backdrop, Delors' leadership emerged as a beacon of resilience. His decisive actions forged a path towards unity.  

By the culmination of his third term as President of the European Commission in 1995, the European Union stood more resilient, fairer, stronger, and more tightly woven than ever before. 

"Europe is its people."
Jacques Delors
Item 1 of 3
The Berlin Wall opening

11 November 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall

11 November 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall

Jacques Delors and Helmut Kohl

28 June 1991, with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl

28 June 1991, with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl

Lech Wałęsa and Jacques Delors

3 April 1991, with Lech Wałęsa, President of Poland

3 April 1991, with Lech Wałęsa, President of Poland

The birth of the Single Market

Jacques Delors was a strong advocate of European integration. His contagious enthusiasm swiftly ignited a shared vision among Member States, culminating in the signature of the Single European Act. It paved the way for the creation of the Single Market by 1992, allowing free movement of persons, goods, capitals and services.  

"It's time to give Europe a soul."
Jacques Delors
Jacques Delors greeting the audience

28 May 1986, the ceremony inaugurating the adoption of the European flag

28 May 1986, the ceremony inaugurating the adoption of the European flag

The euro, our new currency

Jacques Delors left an enduring mark on the creation of the euro, the establishment of the European Monetary Union, and the crafting of the Maastricht Treaty. The Maastricht Treaty laid the foundations for a new single currency, the euro, created the European Union and European citizenship. 

Delors' unwavering commitment and involvement in this work was a heartfelt dedication to a united Europe. 

"The euro is a symbol of European unity. We must protect and strengthen it."
Jacques Delors

European citizenship: bringing people closer

Jacques Delors knew that the European project was much more than an economic integration.

The European project is about bringing people closer, and instilling a sense of pride in a union that makes us stronger, together.  

He was among the creators of the Schengen area, which today allows more than 400 million people to travel freely between member countries without going through border controls.  

It is thanks to him that we now have our beloved Erasmus EU student exchange programme, which has become one of the most emblematic brands of the EU. 

"Let us first remind ourselves that, by virtue of Erasmus, Europe’s deep roots are ever-present."
Jacques Delors

The man behind the legacy

Born in Paris on 20 July 1925, he spent the early part of his career working at the Banque de France. He then moved into politics, holding various positions including as a French Cabinet Minister and Member of the European Parliament. 

As European Commission President and having lived through the cruelties of the Second World War, he recognised the notion of peace as the fundamental raison d'être of the Community. His contribution to realising peace on the continent was by promoting its prosperity and unity. 

Item 1 of 3
Pope John Paul II with Jacques Delors

20 May 1985, with Pope John Paul II

20 May 1985, with Pope John Paul II

Nelson Mandela and Jacques Delors

8 October 1993, Jacques Delors received Nelson Mandela, President of the ANC (African National Congress)

8 October 1993, Jacques Delors received Nelson Mandela, President of the ANC (African National Congress)

Jacques Delors and Ronald Regan

1 May 1985, with Ronald Reagan, President of the United States

1 May 1985, with Ronald Reagan, President of the United States

For his services to the European project, he was appointed by the European Council in 2015, Honorary Citizen of Europe, a distinction so far only bestowed on three persons. 

Jacques Delors in the meeting room

9 December 1989, Strasbourg European Council

9 December 1989, Strasbourg European Council

"Allons, courage, le Printemps de l’Europe est toujours devant nous!"
Jacques Delors

Au revoir, President