Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

20/05/2019 Brussels

Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth 2019

The Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth is an action-oriented platform bringing together civil society organisations and policymakers to discuss how to achieve inclusive growth. Its fourth edition will take place in Brussels on 20 May 2019.

This is an opportunity for the EU to:

  • reflect on its social dimension, and on how to adapt the existing social models to current and future challenges,
  • develop long-term solutions to fight poverty, increase employment and strengthen social cohesion and inclusion for all.

The future of Social Europe post 2020

This year, the Convention focuses on the future of Social Europe. As the Europe 2020 Strategy is coming to an end, the European Pillar of Social Rights, the 2030 Agenda and the new multiannual financial framework provide the structure for our work on social and economic inclusion in the decade ahead.

In view of rapid societal changes, how can the EU reinvigorate the promise of a Social Europe? What social policy priorities should be proposed to the next EU Commission? How to ensure that the next generation of funding instruments can foster inclusive growth? Through presentations, workshops and interactive sessions, the Convention will stimulate the exchange of ideas and best practices on how to build our Social Europe in the years ahead.

Interactive workshops for audience engagement

Seven morning workshops will look at the various policy areas that are relevant for inclusive growth objectives:

  1. Implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights as the vehicle for the Sustainable Development Goals in the social area,
  2. Improving social policy governance in Europe: cross-sector collaboration, public-private partnerships,
  3. Let’s talk to each other: how to improve communicating Social Europe with the EU citizens,
  4. Adapting to the future of work: shaping lives and jobs through inclusive lifelong learning,
  5. How the next multiannual financial framework and its funding instruments can be best used for inclusive growth,
  6. The future of the EU Disability Strategy,
  7. Social services: integrated approaches as a means to deliver the Pillar.

In the afternoon, side events will give participants the chance to share their experiences and ideas, while a ‘speed-dating’ session will boost the exchange of best practices in the area of social inclusion among participants.

The Convention will be opened by Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, and by the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Registration to this event is by invitation only.


Contact us for any questions about the convention

Web streaming

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Social media

Follow the debate via Twitter with the hashtag #ACIG2019.

Full album on Flickr
Crowne Plaza, rue Gineste 3 - Brussels

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